National Organization
According to doctor Rafael Goatherd, ” the problem affects the families to him of an indirect way, affects more to the companies than they decide to have facilities in Spain, because that forces these to have own facilities in countries where yes the storage for deprived use is allowed, or in any case to reach agreements with banks located in these pases”. Spain counts at the moment on around 40.000 umbilical cord units stored in banks public, being the third country of the world with more samples of this type only behind the United States and Taiwan, according to data of the National Organization of Trasplantes (ONT). Like alternative to the banks public, in Spain there are several companies, like IVIDA, that offer to store the cord in deprived autlogos banks, where esteem that already are more than 20,000 units stored in cord banks by a price that oscillates between the 2,000 and the 3,000 Euros. Around 25,000 families they decide every year to contract the services of collection, analysis and transfer of the cells mother of the baby through private banks. Andalusia has been the first Spanish independent community in which, from year 2006, all the maternities of the hospitals public have the authorization necessary to extract umbilical cord blood and to send it to the Bank, where it is processed for his use whenever it is valid. The 85 percent of the Andalusians who decide donate this type of material they make hematopoytico it to the public bank, whereas only the 15 percent does to the private banks. Source: PR the News On IVIDA IVIDA was born in 2009 and belongs to group IVI, the medical institution leader in Europe in attended reproduction. IVIDA picks up, processes, child-conserves and stores in their own facilities the cells mother of the Cordn Blood Umbilical (SCU) for the treatment of diverse diseases like linfomas, leucemias or anemias, with the guarantee of which completely it will be managed by employees of the company, thus assuring his trazabilidad and complete control mainly the process.