Getting the finished product from the timber is associated with huge losses, which are called waste. Waste in the preparation phase of the forest can reach several tens of percent (stumps, twigs, needles, etc.). Typical sawmill converts 60% of wood planks, while 12% goes into the sawdust, 6% – in the end cuts and 22% in the slab and trimming. Volume opila and wood shavings on the stage reaches 12% of the feedstock. Countries with forest potential actively introducing combustion technology sawdust, wood chips, and old wood. But very quickly by the direct use of waste lumber, wood and recycling show its shortcomings. Firstly, to increase combustion efficiency of sawdust and wood chips must be dry, which requires additional processes, investment, production and warehouse space, considerable amount of energy.
Secondly, the required solution storage. In addition to the need for more storage space, fresh sawdust and wood chips for storage sometimes ignite spontaneously. Some alternative to the direct use of wood waste as a manufacturing and application briquettes. The idea was based on the task of turning a "living" materials in a safe product. In addition, solved the problem of increasing the heating value of the material and reduce the required storage space. Largely goals were achieved. The process of combustion of briquettes began to pass more efficiently and completely.
Reduce the negative impact of burning on the environment. When storing the resulting material does not ignite spontaneously. Increased efficiency of the boiler. More than 20 years ago Bavarian Rudy Gunnerman, who lives in the U.S.