In it she has the pacification of the anguish, of the solitude, the suffering, the depression, the lack, of males, is the good mother that she exempts the children of mal' ' (NICHOLAS, 2009). 6.2.MOTIVAO OF the JIA Analyzing the world-wide trend of reaproveitamento and recycling, was started to think it about as to develop a product to contribute with this cause. It was verified, then, the wastefulness of the lenses of eyeglasses, as well as the delay of its decomposition. Uniting these two thoughts, were initiated the project of jewel confection in silver with lenses CR-39 as base, what it showed to be an innovative and ambiently correct product. 6.3.OPORTUNIDADE TO CREATE the JEWEL During the time of the wax candle, the prescription in the city of Belm, increases considerably if comparative to the other months of the year. In accordance with a research carried through for the Federal University of Par and Federal Universidade of Rio De Janeiro, for Coast (2004), Belm had a prescription increase of R$ 400 Real million, with an expectation tax growth of 4.7% to the year.
Of this sum, it was verified that 20% were expense in the purchase of souvenirs. These values justify as the Wax candle impacta economically in the region, reflecting a growth in all the market. It was also verified that the entrepreneurs costumam to be thankful, for the increase of the sales, to its customers offering toasts with the image of the padroeira saint. It was in this context that we verify the chance for the creation of this project. 7.PROCESSO CREATIVE OF JEWELS For the creation of jewels, is followed the listed stages to follow: A.Separar the lenses for Size, Material, Tratamento and Surfaagens; B.Desenvolver molds for cut, in accordance with the size of the blocks; C.Cortar the lenses in accordance with the done molds previously; D.Colorir the transparent lenses, depending on the chosen model; E.Escolher the lenses that can be stoned for jewel confection; F.Desenhar by hand exempts of the model that will serve for creation of the jewel; G.Desenvolver the drawing technician; H.Separar the silver for the parts; I.Montagem of the lens that it will serve of base, with the silver that will have the contour of the saint; J.Procurar companies interested in the adhesion to the project; K.Efetuar the marketing of spreading of the project.