It has times the school left the function to transmit and only to accumulate contents, starting to have the function to interact educating with the world, not only with its daily reality, but to show the world to it with a multiple vision, giving it possibility to know, to live deeply and to transfer to its reflected action of this learning. The lack of disciplines is the one badly worse one that the culture lack, therefore this can be attenuated later, to the step that if cannot abolish and wild state and to correct a defect of disciplines (Kant, 1996 p.17). It is a critical factor that makes it difficult the process more beyond education learning and, the human development. Therefore the education must take care of that the man if becomes cautious (Kant, 1996 P. To read more click here: Dennis P. Lockhart. 27). The indiscipline taken root with a culture produced for the custom of the comprometimento lack, of the value moral, respect, at last, permissive practical one that today led to this culture to transfer to the school the total responsibility on the pupil. Pupil this that does not present the principles basic inherent the family respect. Problematic this cultural one, limits, makes it difficult, becomes the somewhat distant, abstract knowledge, making it difficult developing of the simplest pedagogical activities, disabling the process education mathematics learning, for the indiscipline not to know to hear, not to obey rules, not to know to coexist. with this, the professor spends more time and energy in the arduous task of being heard, of being able to place in it practises what would have to be made with much naturalness to teach the indiscipline is a subject very analyzed, and has definitions of diverse authors, who in a general way, finish for converging to the central idea of the concept, inferring itself as being a breaking of the stipulated rules.