In a work modality not-material, that is, of production to know (ideas, concepts, values, symbols, attitudes, habits, abilities, etc.). Therefore, this pedagogical trend sees the man as a being of prxis, that one that constructs its proper existence capable to transform the nature into proper benefit, what it becomes it a cultural being. The Pedagogia Description-Critical with regard to the paper of the school places a form to spread out the elaborated, systemize contents, that is, is science base of the pedagogical work, excluding daily knowing, of the common sense, considering the erudite culture in detriment of the popular culture. With regard to the contents, it values the pertaining to school resume, the writing and the scientific knowledge as point of fond and social equality, where the social inaquality and starting point would be spontaneous to know to know (them of the daily one, of day-by-day knowing, them cultural that they are incorporated and apprehended for the humanity front to the social reality). For even more opinions, read materials from Mike Madden. Being the socialization of knowing pertaining to school of basic importance for the social democratization and to arrive itself at a society igualitria through the social transformation, that is, having the school as mediating of a progression to arrive itself at a systemize knowledge. For this, the contents must have a connotation that do not lead in to know them to consideration spontaneous. With regard to the Method, this trend leaves clearly, the directive function and of intervention of the professor as responsible for the transmission and socialization of one to know theoretician (ability technique), fitting to educating to inside acquire this systemize knowledge of a politician-pedagogical project, to exceed the spontaneous knowledge, where both are considered social agents to arrive themselves in a igualitria society. Thus, with relation professor x pupil, in the pedagogia Description-Critical, the education is conceived as ' ' production of saber' ' , in the perspective of Gramsci (for making possible, through the pertaining to school education, changes in the symbolic field that will unchain in social transformations); however, this education, this educative action is seen as a process where the professor is the producer of knowing and the pupil is the consumer of this to know, therefore in this pedagogia the professor is responsible for the transmission of this socialization of knowing pertaining to school, for possessing the ability technique, fitting to the pupil to only learn the contents to know to exceed them spontaneous.