Thus, the authentic learning occurs when the pupil is interested and if he shows pledged in learning, that is, when he is motivated. It is the interior motivation of the pupil whom it stimulates and vitaliza the act to study and to learn. From there the importance of the motivation in the process teach-learning. In accordance with Tapia and Fita (2003) authors cited for Saints (2005, P. 37), ' ' … the learning is a construction that the pupil carries through on the base of the initial state when incorporating the new information in its projects cognitivos' '. The learning is moved, however, for the establishment of an interest, a goal, an objective.
From there the necessity of if developing the motivation in classroom. Education requires action and as resulted of this action, it has the learning. But so that if it carries through the action and this results in the learning is necessary, initially, that it has the will, in this in case that, the will to learn on the part of the pupil. To stimulate the pupils to study and to learn, the professor uses resources or procedures incentivadores. These resources must not only be used at the beginning of the lesson, but in all elapsing of it.
Reasons incentives are important in all the phases of the learning, and not only at its initial moment. It has much professor who is only worried about the incentivao at the beginning of the activity, without if remembering of that this has all of being strengthened in elapsing of the process, so that the motivation does not decrease, the point of until if extinguishing. So that the learning process is carried through is necessary to have a estimuladora situation, that is the addition of the factors that the agencies of the directions of the person stimulate who learns. Being thus, on the basis of Medel (2008), the professor must discover strategies, resources, that can awake in the pupil the interest in learning, in other words, must supply stimulatons so that the pupil if feels motivated to learn.