All great Business, Profit, Building, Furniture, in short, any thing done by the human being beginning with one Idea. This is an important Concept EVERYTHING INITIATES WITH a DREAM . It is why today I am going to animate to you To dream, to identify that one reason why you would be arranged (a) to fight your being yet to obtain it, because you cannot begin To obtain best of You unless you have established an Objective for your Life, and some questions that you can hacerte to find that Objective or Purpose of your Life, podrian to be: That I am looking for? So that I was created? I believe in my Potential? When I begin? Today I am going to you to share the Power of Sueo of John C. Maxwell, to Your would help you Dream for 5 Things: 1) Your Sueo gives Direction you Say that if you do not know to where you go, you can arrive at the mistaken place if you have defined your dreams, that gives the approach you than you wish to obtain 2) Your Dream Increases your Potential When you know what you want, that causes that you make the things with the best thing of you, without average inks it give the whole by the whole When you are not a sleepy, everything what 3 beams Your Dream does not motivate to you to do it ) possibly Helps us To establish Priorities When you have an established purpose, you very clearly know to which you must resign to obtain it (although they are something good) 4) Your Dream Adds Value to your Work When you have defined your Sueo, you know that even the small task but like for example, to read all the information of this bulletin would help you to obtain your goals and objectives. 5) Your Sueo Predicts your Future Dicen that the animal cannot decide where they will be within 5 or 10 years, but we if it we can do. when you have defined and internalised your Sueo, you know where estaras in the future, although is not guarantee, you know that a great probability exists of being there. I wish all the Success you!