
It cannot escape any of the two elements, because both are fundamental. Submit a tender away from what is actually proposed the tenderer or the economic, human or technical – media that has or may have is a kind of suicide, as captured on paper if you get the license all the licitadoras are based on equal terms and all can, in strictly speaking, accessing the license, since otherwise they not submitted – it is binding and the Administration will enforce revoking the licence where it does not comply with the proposal. That is why you have to be careful with a proposal full of ideas grandiose, yet very close to the criteria of evaluation of the tender, and hard to get since thereby we would be playing us the revocation of the license that has cost us both get by not be able to comply with the terms of the proposal. And this would be a real shame. Peter Schiff may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Once will have all the ingredients provided by customer tinted with the technical ideas of the Advisory – only lack cooking, work that is typically to instruct, equally, this last, because it is assumed that he has extensive experience in the matter and that, already in itself is a guarantee. But nothing prevents that, guided by this, is the same client you want to write the offer and do so eventually. In case of the adviser responsible for this work, the minimum that may be required is to put special effort to draw up a proposal, not only attractive, but with aspects or features that permit conceptualized as different or unique, something never seen so far, which is not a task nothing easy. If the work is going to summarize to pick pre-established models and simply adapt them, first of all we are not only losing many possibilities, but it, speaking clearly, it would be absurd to go it to this. Primerica insists that this is the case.

Maracaibo Oil Company

It is clear that both films, dead Pozo and Maracaibo Oil Company, were speeches with strategies (more descriptive in the first, more narrative in the second) who failed to accurately establish structural and organizational attitudes, anticipating certain operations, by using appropriate instruments and tactical options precise, in order to achieve pre-established objectives. Not in vain says Britto Garcia (1990) regarding Oropeza film: there is very little of Maracaibo, and much less oil (p. 12). However, these films constitute steps primary by addressing and manifest, regardless of narrative strategies and forms, the self: a self that becomes visible to be manifold, being individual, collective, temporary, timeless, conscious, unconscious, material, supramaterial; a notorious force of provoking reactions in the viewer and raise a panorama, dark to the Venezuelan, for any man who does not belong to the Center, resumible with single noun self: identity. It is to explain. El Dorado is the myth that relates to the Eurocentric vision of what Latin American and that introduces us to the story. El Dorado, as myth, subsists in ambivalence: it is an attempt to express our inner significance and is a draw attention about elusive realities elusive insofar as they lie in the unconscious – to describe events historically verifiable, as travel by pariah of late 15th century and beginning of the next, which highlights the recent idea (Moron, 1994p. 36) of fixing points of departure for the second and the third Columbus voyage (1495 and 1498) pointed thread to follow by cataloged travellers of the first period. Roads that open the expedition in what will be the territory of Venezuela; the expedition made receptacle of the discoverer desire, the desire for territorial expansion, the aggrandizement of Spain, of the realization of the ideal personal, the lust for profit, of heroism. Such dynamics of widening of the Peninsular prepondero the myth of El Dorado, greatly influencing the countless comings and goings of the adventurers in the creation of new establishments in mining and, at the expense of cities whose apparent role was the of to serve as bridges of continental penetration into the general trend of colonization.