Changing Jobs

This is a good month to think about your work. So if you do? Should I change jobs? How to find a common language with superiors? It is now necessary to address these issues. September is favorable for active operations, but the first half of the month will not be so favorable, as the second. Expect the unexpected delays in the affairs and opportunity to continue their business started, but do not start new ones. Everything new is better to start after the 13-15 September, when Mars moves from Libra into Scorpio.

For what will also be favorable first half of the month? Primarily for cardiac cases. In this time increases the sensitivity, impressionability and vulnerability, anxiety and irritability, but lost a sense of tact and tenderness. Increased propensity to entertainment and pleasure of a sexual nature. According to West Lake Landfill, who has experience with these questions. Comes to creative inspiration. Reinforces the need for love and harmony, understanding and closeness. Perhaps a slight increase in revenues, the money. Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces will feel a surge of strength in the first half September. Their energy and commitment will be aimed at solving financial problems.

They are inherent business acumen, practical. For them, it would be a good time to accumulate wealth. From 1 to September 3 will be located in a beautiful royal degree. He suggests that Capricorn, Virgo and Scorpio can count on the help of influential people. Degree gives them good luck in all that relates to achieving the goal. He promises to honor situation, their feelings will be completely satisfied.

How To Fulfill Our Desires

We each have our own desires and dreams. And there's nothing unusual. But somehow some of our desires are realized very quickly and almost without our efforts. And to achieve certain desires, we worked all my life, but do not get it. Please visit Alabama Senator if you seek more information. And probably every one of you noticed a pattern: if you really want something, always think about it, and do everything to get it, and this desire as if laughing at you, and always in the best Last time slips from your hands. And when you have all exhausted and desperate to decide to abandon its goal, as then gets all conceived on a silver platter. And then for a long time can not understand why it happened. And very sorry that this mechanism to achieve our desire to work more intuitively and unconsciously, and we can not fully enjoy the possibilities inherent in the us with our very birth.

I will give a good example of personal practice. Several years ago, decided to buy for yourself cottage. Created for himself an image I needed a site and home, and proceeded to search. Several weeks have passed in the shuffle. Every day I am getting more and more annoying, and no longer believed that I could get what I want. In the end, I'm tired of all this, and I decided to discontinue my fruitless searches. The very next day my friend calls me and asks: "You have a house in the village did not need it? "Of course the house and the site is fully consistent with my expectations.

Mark Feb

The Rabbit offers a tranquil setting to reassess one’s achievements and gain strength to create a new ones. 2011 will be a great start platform to improve their destiny, their lives. The new cycle of the White Rabbit and the metallic bring peace, which will be very different from 1999 – the last year of the Earth Rabbit. In 1999, he brought with him a lot unfortunate events – the war in Yugoslavia, the terrorist attacks in Russia, blood, misery, destruction. Apparently, this was due to more stringent aspects of the planets and the characteristics of the Earth Rabbit. However, 2011 should not be a year of large-scale disasters. Since the rabbit – being cautious and prudent, we will not rush and we will think about the consequences of their actions. Dennis Lockhart has firm opinions on the matter. In addition, rabbits and non-aggressive diplomatically.

And it gives hope for prudence ruling the world. All marriages and unions created in the year of the Metal Rabbit will be strong and happy. Moreover, it is one of the best periods for marriage and childbearing. Rabbit is also supportive of those who are engaged in science, art, inventions, and his own business. Love will be the leitmotif of the new year. Indeed, very soon, February 14 – Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day! Fall in love, love and be loved. When else have this wonderful feeling, if not a year loving Rabbit! If you were born in the year, Goats, Horses, Dog, Ox, Dragon, this year will be particularly good for you. Use a favorable energy this year for all of their most important affairs.

Harder to have those born in the Year of the Tiger, Monkey or Rooster. They’ll have to strain to reach the goal and not lose the accumulated welfare. For the remaining animals Oriental calendar 2011 Rabbit promises to be neutral. Even if you are completely indifferent to the Chinese traditions, this year, try not to miss an opportunity to celebrate the coming year is the Chinese calendar. This will help you attract happiness and good fortune into your home! Not necessarily re-cover New Year’s table. Mark Feb. 3 in some other way. For example, buy a new dress in white, gold or yellow. Will well, if your dress is sewn with sequins or shiny from the matter. You can also observe this day with the purchase of fashionable metallic jewelry, for example, an elegant bracelet. But most importantly – to be on Feb. 3 in good cheerful mood, and be prepared to get a good charge on the whole next year. Joy to you and once again – Happy New Year!

New Year

2010, as expected, has not brought improvement in the situation of financial crisis. It was the year of farewell to the old familiar way of life, so what was left of our old attitudes and beliefs. We were given the opportunity to throw a last glance at the wreck and say goodbye to those that will never return. Neither the economy nor art, nor business, nor the financial market, nor policy, nor the price of the house, no monthly fee – nothing will again be the same as it was before. We are on the verge of completely new laws and regulations, new methods of economic development, politics and the world at large. It is such superglobal change promises, Uranus, who in March-April, finally change the sign, pass from Pisces Aries and lay a new long cycle of 84 years. That's when it really would make sense to celebrate the New Year, so it's 12/11 March 2011! At this time, Uranus enters Aries in the first degree, and will welcome the astrological event, which will eventually lead to revolutionary changes in many areas of our lives. Uranus – a planet anarchism and for freedom, originality and brilliant talents, reform and revision of values. Under this planet is born very talented people, astrologers and astronomers, thinkers and philosophers, computer scientists and scholars seers and esoteric He gives fenomentalnye qualities of mind, the ability to create and feel new. This planet is "Indigo Children" and clairvoyants, those who have true freedom of spirit and not subject to authority.

Modern Mass-media Reality And Its Influence On The World

From childhood we develop patterns, which in adult life, we use on a default basis. Driving these default settings, manipulators easily cause us to perform the necessary actions to them. And they act purposefully, and the most powerful blow falls on the immature minds of children and adolescents. Long known the truth, it’s easier to instill in the right direction with the birth of a puppy, than to retrain an adult dog. The same applies to humans. That is why the age of learning in kindergartens and schools are strictly regulated.

In high schools also have their age priorities – the younger the student, the better. Such rules exist for good reason. According to psychology, each age is susceptible to lay the foundations of personality and development of a certain kind of perception: sensitivity, emotions, finding images from outside and interiorization (their transfer to the integration of inside). Templates incorporated at an early age, control a person throughout his life. These patterns are the essence of our vision, which is built no, no, do not think that we have. “What?” – You ask. That’s what we are now talk. Worldview: What is it? Worldview – a view of the world as a whole system of ideas and beliefs about themselves, about the world, about relationships, processes, patterns of being, it is our value orientation: it’s all our knowledge, interwoven into one, but not always logically consistent. Worldview can be stacked in our experience, the experience of our parents, elements of culture and mentality, or simply unnecessary installation from the outside.