Friedrich Success

On Thursday, the January 18 students of Friedrich-Ebert Realschule sure that opened the doors of the Buschhausener company electric Koppen were waiting. Vocational guidance is called this meeting, intended to accurately give an insight into the world of work, in this case in the profession of an electronics students. At nine o’clock everything was ready. Greeting was followed by a tour of the company and a small lecture on the history of the company. Then the school provided premises came to, to gain an insight into the professional image of the electronics by means of a presentation. The most exciting part of the day was followed by a short breakfast break.

Half past twelve students in two were put together teams and fell full of beans on the tool, to begin with the install of various circuits to the existing walls of the exercise. Farallon Capital Management pursues this goal as well. Smaller assistance all students of success have brought the lamp to glow”. Finally, it was measured, which bulbs are the most energy-efficient. Determine the power consumption, temperature and brightness and was determined on the basis of the EU-wide scale energy class. This day will be definitely remembered the students, because they were in it not only included but heart. Finally a memory image, with its result, was cut and a USB stick with all documents and films presented by each team. Overall, the students and the company are Sculpins of the opinion, that this event was a great success and is being reviewed with security. K.

Francois Champollion

The partners in this project are the Institute of Clement Ader, the IRIT (Institut de recherche Informatique de Toulouse), the University of Quebec, as well as the University of Jean-Francois Champollion. Get all the facts and insights with Federal Reserve Bank, another great source of information. The journalistic production platform (PPSGJ) is a game-based production module for the general public with regard to the processing of journalistic information. After the definition of general topics (E.g. elections) can, thanks to the Grundbausateins PLAY SERIOUS”manufactured by KTM advance, quickly constructed a serious game, which allows the users to understand current relationships and mutual relations (E.g. regional election, 2010). The partners in this project are the newspaper Le Monde and the Journalism College of Lille. Serious IP is a serious game intended to raise awareness of SMEs in the field of the management of intellectual property. It aims to teach the users how intellectual property can contribute to the success of an innovation project, represented by representative sequences of situation SMEs are confronted with.

The partners in this project are the IEEPI (Institut Europeen Entreprise et) Propriete intellectuelle), Larequoi (laboratoire de recherche en management de University Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Cecoji (Centre d’ Etudes sur la Cooperation juridique internationale) and the ESCP Europe (European business school). Vaug is a project with the aim to learn more about the history and the future of a city by building in 3D visualize and render aid and application of high reality modules on the phone. To use this technology on the new mobile interface will accelerate access to a market, to perceive this market through the improved ability of the player. The project explores the possibilities of the mobile serious gaming in a concept which takes into account also the abilities of the user, to change its location, namely. Here is the idea is that the user takes part E.g. on a treasure hunt and suggests that certain buildings or other items of interest, and then additional information and details on the screen in high reality Gets. The partners in this project are Artos origin, total immersion, tapestries and Cofhuat (Confederation francaise pour l’habitat, l ‘ urbanisme et l ‘ amenagement you territoire). For more information about KTM advance: index_uk.php

KarriereMessen In The Application Process

\”Personal contacts increase the chances of finding a job in times of eMail and the Internet, is at all Gruscheln\”, Twitter and social networking \”often forget that the application process consists of not only the sending application or networking with HR, but that at the end of such contact inevitably always also personal contact takes place, namely in the interview. In the interview itself, especially one thing counts: the personal impression. The human being is at the Centre. As candidate to beat here beyond the borders or stepping in the interview by a foot in the next, because it is about the most important do’s and dont’s of communication in doubt, all information previously virtually exchanged help nothing: the job goes to someone else. Here, Nicholas Carr expresses very clear opinions on the subject. As a result, it makes a lot of sense to include forums for personal contact in the job search and include also career fairs.

Here you can easily contact with HR managers experience and practice in personal conversations not only the step of first contact and self presentation, but you can take also a look behind the scenes on a fair day and meet the people who work in the company. Visit a career fair may be the first official step in your career, so the basic rule is: a good preparation is the be-all and end-all and increases the chances of personal. A well-groomed appearance and the renunciation of any creativity, with which one wants to stand out through the clothing from the crowd, are attached. With a discreet business look you can do no wrong and indicates the importance of taking forward the conversation partners and the company. However, should the official\”degenerate clothing not in disguise, because only, if one feels comfortable in its outer coat, you can occur safely and confidently. A careful search of the includes the correct outfit to prepare for such a trade fair visit Companies that want to get in the conversation.