Social Networking
Facebook will include the possibility of making lists of friendly, something similar to which it is possible to be realised in his competitor Google +. Also it has been decided to reduce the number of notifications sent to the users by electronic mail. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Euro Pacific Precious Metals by clicking through. Better publication labelling, filters, location Facebook puts the batteries. Facebook approaches Twitter with a button that allows to follow people who are not friendly. It follows ' ' in the social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Tuenti. The social network Facebook presented this week several new features.
Between these is the new version of its tool to make lists of friendly that a style similar to the system presents/displays that offers its competitor of recent Google+ creation, according to announced the company in his blog. The users of Facebook will see appear in their profiles a category of " lists inteligentes" that the own platform will create automatically based on the existing elements common between the friendships, like work, studies, family or city. Also, the social network will give the option of which each person makes her own list of " friendly ntimos" in order to be to the current of everything what they publish in his profile and another one of " conocidos" in that the information will be limited that is received from those contacts. One of the main new features that will arrive at Facebook with this update is " list restringida" with that user, that he will control which of their contacts comprise of her, will only share those messages that determine like public. Facebook offered the possibility that until now each user made his own categories of contacts in his platform, something that, according to recognized east year the company, was being underused. A 5% of the people with account in the social network had solely created a list and this week the product director of the company, Blake Ross, recognized that " to manage lists is boring ".