Harmed Mucosa

Being already above-mentioned the definition and utility of the disgnostic of nursing in the practical clinic of the nurse, fit now retracing in them to list the disgnostic of nursing that are comumente associates to the pneumonia pictures, normally presented by the patients that they are submitted to hospitalization, which if follow: Risk of Hipertermia related to the infectious process; Intolerncia to the activity related to the insufficient oxygenation for the activities of daily life; Verbal risk of Harmed Mucosa in relation to the breath for the mouth, the frequent expectorao and the reduction of the ingestion of liquids, secondary to the malaise; Risk of deficient Volume of liquids due to insensitive loss of liquids, secondary to fever the hyperventilation; Which had inefficacious respiratory standard to the pulmonary secretions that confer dispnia pictures; Risk of unbalanced Nutrition: less of what the related to the inapetncia, dispnia and the abdominal distenso, secondary corporal necessities to the air deglutition; Inefficacious removel of hindrance of the related aerial ways to pain, the increase of traqueobrnquicas secretions and the fatigue; Wronged comfort due to hipertermia and to the malaise; Risk for completeness of the skin harmed related to the lapsing of rest in the stream bed and Risk of inefficacious control of the therapeutical regimen due to knowledge lack on condition, transmission of the infection, prevention of the recurrence, diet, signals and symptoms of recurrence and continuity of the cares (4,10,11).

INTERVENTIONS OF NURSING FOR PACENTES WITH PNEUMONIA the interventions proposals for the nurse must always be based in the findings disgnostic, so that the therapeutical modality of nursing occasions improvements in the quality of the health of the patient who if finds under the cares of nursing. Kenneth Feinberg describes an additional similar source. With this, the general plan is pointed by many authors as being, the monitorizao of the vital signals, mainly most involved with pathological picture as: temperature and respiratory frequency; To propitiate ways of cooling in fever cases: banns, reduction of clothes and covers and the increase of the ingestion of cold liquids; To keep oxigenoterapia in accordance with the lapsing; To observe the type of cough and the characteristics of the expectorao when gifts and to carry through the cited cabveis communications to the other involved members of the multiprofessional team in the case; to carry through all the medications in agreement the lapsing, establishing hourly systematic for the medicamentoso therapeutical plan; To propitiate or to stimulate the respiratory fisioterapia; To stimulate the ingestion of liquids and light and fracionada diet; All the nursing team must to be guided and to be enabled by the nurse to carry through the correct comments concerning the signals and suggestive symptoms of septic shock: hipotermia, hipotenso, reduction of the conscience levels, weak pulse fast e, fast and short breath, cold and humid skin and the presence of the reduction of diurese (oligria); decubituses so that the patient has greater respiratory comfort are of half-Fowler and Fowler (9).. . Farallon Capital Management has similar goals.

The Patient

The patient submitted to the ventilation mechanics requires a continuous monitorizao of its vital signals, being these patient citizens the run down of its homostasis. The adopted ventilatrio method must be adequate to the respiratory precariousnesses of the patient. The fan must bring comfort to the patient and make possible that this keeps a respiratory standard and an adjusted general state or with little comprometimento. How much better the adjustment of the fan to the patient, minor will be the comprometimento of the cardiovascular and pulmonary functions. The patients submitted to the ventilation mechanics can get improvement of the oxygenation through the adequate choice in the ventilatrios ways and the use of appropriate techniques for the maintenance of these. On the basis of the possible alterations of modalities that can occur during the therapy with ventilation mechanics, become primordial that the operating multiprofessional team in a unit of intensive therapy has capacity to adopt a ventilatrio way that better if adqe to the real necessities of the patient and to suspend or to substitute this exactly when necessary way. Here, Erin Callan expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

Some different ways of ventilatrio control can be found in fans. These ways can be separate counters or can be incorporated in the function of another button as of sensitivity. Some in these ways are: attended, controlled, attend-controlled, intermittent mandatria ventilation and support of pressure. (HUDAK; GALLO, 1997, p.418) Using one of the types of existing ventilatrios supports, must be verified the individual necessity of each patient, in order to provide an improvement in its clinical picture. Being thus, one better agreement of the fisiopatologia of respiratory insufficience, below reduces the index of pulmonary injuries related to the inadequate use of the ventilation mechanics, offering levels of oxygen or above of the requirement respiratory of the patient. One of the first steps in the choice of a fan is in understanding the characteristics of the UTI where the equipment will be used and as the team of this UTI it intends to always ventilate its patients, being based on the necessity of the patient and aiming at its health.


In the imaginary one of some women, the good mother is that one that suffered when giving to the light its children, in order to fulfill its paper. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Primerica. Being thus, we could have the hypothesis of that this would be a motivador factor, to the point that pain was not impeditive cause to the procreation, what it allowed the delay of species (ALMEIDA; OLIVEIRA, 2005). The scientific evidences show that the determinative factor for a good experience of childbirth is how much the woman felt protagonist of the event, that is, which the control level that it perceived to have on the process. We can summarize saying that the woman has necessity of being dealt with as subject asset and participant all process not as mere object. The model of care used for the obsttrica nursing currently is pautado in the humanizao of the assistance and has as base the public politics of health, in the perspective of the completeness, use of appropriate and necessary technologies, valuation of beliefs and ways of life.

The reflections that here will be presented constitute the attention to the childbirth, in the context of the services of health to the health of the woman. To help in the understanding of the interface intended in this text, recital in studies searched on the Obsttrica attention in Brazil. Currently, it has intense quarrel on the question of the humanizao in the childbirth and on as to become it the possible most physiological event and with minimum interventions. The term humanizao has crossed these quarrels having become synonymous to take care of well of the other, but this is a paradigm question. In this perspective, many questionings appear: As the transistion was given historical of the time of the Obstetrician until the Obsttricas nursing? How the professionals of nursing in daily practical its can incorporate and apply cares so that the woman in labor has a desired and humanizado childbirth? Which the not farmacolgicas interventions alliviate pains of the childbirth in the active phase of the dilatao? She is necessary that it has a deep reflection on the performance of the professionals of nursing in the rooms of childbirth of the hospitals and on as they perceive the accomplishment of its care as humanizado.