War Ground

The degradora action if becomes much more fast, being able to remove, in few years, the layer that the nature took millenia to form. (PEIXOTO, 1926, pg. 74) According to War (2003), the eroded material of a hidrogrfica basin can cause the assoreamento of rivers and reservoirs. Moreover, the particles carried for the water, in an agricultural area, can be impregnated of agricultural defensives and to contaminate waters of the rivers. The deforestation and the erosion of ground can provoke the disappearance of sources, as well as accenting the effect of floodings. The erosion is presented as a great ambient problem for the society that in turn, contributes in many cases for the acceleration and dinamizao of the erosive processes, resulting in ambient and economic problems. One perceives then that the main erosive processes caused by the hidrolgica action are: erosion for impact of the rain drops in the ground (effect splash), laminar erosion or in sheet, and linear erosion or for concentrated flow. The laminar erosion occurs through the diffuse superficial draining of the water of rain.

When the draining if concentrates through well definite lines of flow, three types of linear feies can be generated: ridges, ravinas and soil erosions. With the development of the erosive processes, in function of the occupation of the ground, the losses of ground for erosion are lead by multiple factors related to the natural conditions of lands, being distinguished: rain, the vegetal covering, the topography and the types of ground. The man, when removing the vegetal covering, diminishes the capacity of the ground to hold back the water of rains, what he can increase the risks of erosion, floodings, assoreamentos of rivers, etc. the vegetal covering of a condition of conservation of a land against the erosion. He enters the main effect of the vegetal covering, detach the following ones: ) the protection against the direct impact of the rain drops; b) energy dispersion and in addition of waters of superficial draining; c) increase of infiltration for the production of pores in the ground for action of the roots; d) increase of the capacity of water retention for the estruturao of the ground for effect of the production and incorporation of organic substance.

Japanese Immigration

The Italians had been for Are and if they had used in the coffee farms having substituted the slaves. To the few they had been acquiring lands and transforming if into land proprietors at the beginning of century XX. In 1875 they had installed if in the Rio Grande Do Sul and they had established cities as Caxias of the South, Blessed Gonalves and Garibaldi. What grandense river differentiated the So Paulo Italian immigration of south immigration was to the relation established with the land. While in So Paulo the Italian blinded to be used in the coffee farm, in the Rio Grande Do Sul it was proprietor since the moment where he arrived, developing the policultura and creation of animals.

In 1908 Japanese immigration in Brazil in So Paulo occurred, where horticulture, fruticultura and the culture of the tea had worked in the farms of the region of Tup and Vale of the Ribeira practising. Details can be found by clicking Peter Schneider Primerica or emailing the administrator. Other Japanese had been for Amaznia and the south of the Bahia. In the Amaznia they had introduced the culture of the jute and the pepper of the kingdom; in the Bahia they had developed the culture of spices as pepper and cravo of the indian. For more information see this site: Euro Pacific Precious Metals. Also it occurred immigrations of Spaniard, Arabs, Chinese, native of Koreas, Jews and Germans who if had fixed in SP in a slow and gradual migratory movement where they had developed urban activities as the small one I deal. The government defined one system of quotas for the entrance of foreign populations in the country, such system established that only 2% could enter in the parents the correspondent number of it of immigrants of each nationality who had fond in last the 50 years. In 1938 laws between them had been diverse servants would not be more accepted carrying immigrants of physical deficiency, could not profess strange beliefs to the regimen politician of the time, but in 1939um agreement signed between Brazil and Portugal exclua the Portuguese of this system of quotas. During the decade of 1980, the economic crisis provoked an inverse migratory movement, traditional Brazil has lain immigration parents, converted if into emigration parents. 4.

CONCLUSION the immigratory process was of extreme importance for the formation of the culture and Brazilian economy, therefore throughout the years we were incorporating characteristic of the cantos quatros of the world. It is enough to stop to think you influence about them brought for the immigrant s as the Portuguese language, it would culinaria Italian the agricultural techniques Germans and etc. favour they have parents with diversified a pretty people and of cultures and great historical value.

Ecological Corridors

In the incessant search of the water and in the formation of ecological corridors. He has yourself in the recovery of the ground and the ciliares bushes, that if find degraded in the riverbeds, as well as in the improvement of the socioambientais conditions. Consecutively promoting, integrated actions aiming at to improve the management of the hdricos resources in the region of the River Mamanguape. Obviously, in the search by means of communitarian and governmental initiatives that allow to make possible the exploitation of agrarian and aquatic resources of the region. Through the technique, Milton Saints affirms. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Euro Pacific Precious Metals. In a region unprovided of half knowing, anticipatedly, the movements of the nature, the mobilization of the same resources technician, scientific, financial and organizacionais will get a more mediocre reply comparativily. (SAINTS, 2009.p.242) Notadamente, we perceive that the deforestation provokes the impoverishment of the ground, beyond assoreamento of the rivers.

As the ciliar bush has the function to protect the springs and the ground against the erosion, its withdrawal provokes ambient degradation leaving the ground forsaken and with rain, the same it suffers to impact with the phenomenon from the erosion carrying sand to the riverbed. In this intention, we need to represent a basic anxiety for the sustainable agricultural development in the region of the River Mamanguape. Through the importance that the ciliares bushes, that are vegetal essentials to the ambient balance. Incorporating in the practical ones of conservation and to the handling of the ground, in the preservation and the recovery of the rivers, guaranteeing the protection of one of the main natural resources: the water. In this scene, the ciliares bushes have the function to hold back, to filter residues of agroqumicos, preventing the pollution of the courses d' water, protecting against the assoreamento of the rivers, hindering the floods. is bushes that are well next to the sources, regatos, rivers and lagoons protecting its edges of the erosion and the drying of the abrupt declivities, hindering the nip of its stream beds and provoking the infiltration of the water of the rain, that arrives with bigger easiness at fretico sheet.