The Mountain

The mountain range suffers with the degradation losing fauna and flora and its biodiversity is fragile, the point to see itself, displayed some outcrops currently rocky. Before the progress arriving the Mountain range, with the implanted Embratel and paved road, giving the beginning of the urbanstica degradation. Recently Pacific Mortgage Services sought to clarify these questions. The Mountain range of the Jurema was a great producer of fruits and an exuberant bush. Today lack of species of the flora and fauna is felt. It is possible if to coexist support where the man uses the natural resources rationally. It is necessary to enable all there resident population so that conscientiously it preserves the area.

It has thought of if transforming the Mountain range into area of ambient preservation, visa the successive degradaes and denounces, exactly done in slow way. In the case of the concretion of the APA, many people they will have that if to adjust to a new reality, contributing for regeneration of what little remains of the Atlantic bush. Who knows? they will be able until being indemnified? So that this does not happen, she is necessary that the natives who inhabit, move of opinion and fight there for the preservation, therefore many they live in small small farms and they remove there of its survival. With degradation, the socioambientais impacts will go to happen, where the loss of its identity, the customs and the experience, will be a reality. Without speaking, in the withdrawals of these families of this area for another one. Who lives has much time in the mountain range, created roots, constituted family and is certain of that they do not want to leave its soil piece. If not if dumb of behavior and attitude, it is well possible that this comes to happen in the future. It is truth that in recent years, the ideas and attitudes with regard to the conservation and preservation comes moving to incorporate terms as support, sustainable development and traditional knowledge (BEGOSI, 2003) Points researchers of the area that so that if it uses the traditional botanical knowledge, is necessary preservation for continuation of the species.

Regional Planning Association

However, Maria Jose Marcondes praises that: ' ' In the maneirista period, the social concern that integrated the concept of renascentista ideal city was substituted by the formalism, for a superiority of the regular, geometric plan, adjusted to the necessity of strenghtened cities, isolating, therefore? natural world? ' ' , (Marcondes, 1999, P. 20). No longer Baroque, the planned cities of Versailles in France and Karlsruhe in Germany present character the same deed of division with the tracing in Fan, but with possibilities of limitless expansion in the landscape. In both the periods, however, the subject of the incorporated nature to the urban structure is presented in the one form ' ' comforting naturalismo, oratory and formative, that during all the time that goes of 1600 the 1700 the episdica narratividade of the sistematizaes had dominated barrocas' ' , (Tafuri, 1985, P. 14). In century XVIII, with the consolidation of the industrial capitalism, the nature idea takes route in the form of the antiurban utopias. Speaking on the Tafuri question it affirms that: ' ' The antiurban utopias have historical continuity, that it goes of the proposals of the Iluminismo? e, by the way, if does not have to forget that the first anarchic theories on the necessity of a dissolution cities necessarily appear them in the second half of century XVIII? to the theory of the city-garden, the Soviet desurbanismo, the regionalism of the Regional Planning Association of America (RPAA), to Broadacre-City de Frank Wright&#039 Lloyd; ' , (Tafuri, 1985, P. 15). These proposals many times had presented a content conservative, integrating a nostalgic movement in contraposition to the anguish of the alienation metropolitan. Widely emphasized during the iluminismo, the idea of nature in the construction of the models of cities, only lost this status in the end of century XIX contemporary, when it starts to predominate the present notion until middle of century XX, of the urban naturalismo associate to the restoration of a lost nature.

The Ecologists

We do not attend the birth douniverso. It is not the Land for us. We are for the Land. – that they are merossintomas of deeper an ambient crisis, whose the roots if they find naperda and acquisition of new human values and in the lack of ethics. It’s believed that Erin Callan sees a great future in this idea. We earn with> technological acquisition, that in very facilitounossas daily activities, we lose in quality of life. The companies ganharamna productivity and the worker lost its job. We perceive thus, that aglobalizao is a knife of two gumes, that is to few centimeters of nossopescoo. Values are questioned, authors appear with new boardings and the ticaambiental is acclaimed to be part of this new reality.

Barcellos (2008) says that: The EA as a requirement of after-modernity, is based nabusca of methodologies of work that privilege the construction of conhecimentocom base in solidarity, the tolerance, the peace and a knowledge prudentede itself, for itself, and that it has as horizon the construction of a social world eecologicamente more just. Gonalves (2006) considered this process all como' ' ingenuous ecologismo – the media wisely manipulates in inviting to take care of dolixo ours of each dia' '. This author believes that the current period neoliberal daglobalizao, differs from the periods precede that it for especificidadedo ambient challenge. that this challenge that we face is effect of nossascontraditrias and anti-symmetrical previous actions However exists in the current speech of globalization one ' ' qu' ' completamenteparadoxal, therefore, never if spoke in such a way in ambient questions as in ltimos30 years and the destruction of the nature was never so devastadora. During much time, we learn that nature was overde and that we needed to defend the fauna and the flora. Quickly, this discursomudou, sleeps attending the ambient destruction as expectadores and acordamosfazendo part of the environment. On this subject (BERN 2007) it says the following one: The ecologists had dedicated much more ' ' the defense of animals and plants that aosproblemas of the species human being.


Opening of the windows with frequency helps to improve the quality of air and prevents appearance of fungos, to look for to interact with the elements of the building can prevent wastefulness, as use of conditional air in cool days, use of the solar light when opening curtains, etc., is of great importance to remember the main concepts of the support, which is, TO REDUCE, TO REUSE, TO RECYCLE. Until the tourism cause imapactos to the environment, when travelling it is possible to adopt responsible ways, simple attitudes will be able to show as one amused way to help in the conservation of the planet, in the hour to plan a trip, to prevent flights with scale, after all a great percentage of the Co2 emission happens during the take-off and landing, that is, whenever possible to opt to transports with minor pollution potential. To give to preference the ambiently responsible lodgings, that recycle the residues, or despite they use alternative systems of energy, as solar or aeolian energy, is a good option. The use of public transport, to walk of bicycle or to walk, is alternative of transport ecologically correct. In the necessity to rent an car, to opt to hybrid vehicles or with engine flex it is a good one measured. Moreover, disconnect the engine when if it is parked or also stopped is important, therefore this will save fuel and reduce the emission of pollutants. To recycle is an attitude each more common time.

To separate periodicals, magazines and packings of the organic garbage. Continue to learn more with: Craig Menear. To inquire itself on its half of lodging, verifying if exists the practical one of recycling. If it will not have, to ask the reason and to stimulate this practical. Already the bag use is visible in the society contemporary returned instead of plastic bags. It is not alone concern of the physical people with the future of our planet that has made the difference, the companies had also started to collaborate in a positive way, carrying through entailed campaigns of support its corporative images, divulged in periodicals, magazines and televisions. According to Miami Congresswoman, who has experience with these questions.

Corporative Social Responsibility

The subjects Corporative Social Responsibility and Support, wide debated in all media, created, either for alarmismo or sensationalism, a specific focus in natural partner-ambient subjects/, as the necessity of protection to the mico golden lion, devastao in the Amaznia etc Of course that the above described problems, are subjects of basic importance, for what more than obvious reasons. However this playful approach, almost poetical, deviated, in very the focus for an absolutely crucial question: economic decisions. The History of the Humanity proves that all the catastrophes that if had abated on the planet, had been motivated direct or indirectly for economic questions. Nor the sonhador reader would believe that some country has been invaded for reestablishment of the democracy or social order. We also know that the epidemics of the Average Age, had occurred for total indifference of the public organisms for the health of the population. Coming back to our days, it is questioned because the subject support, in generality, receives as much emphasis in the natural questions and little care in the economic aspect? The probable reply: changes in economic systems, need sets of ten of years of integrated efforts and in general they are measured unpopular that the governments postpone to the maximum in taking them. U.S.A., for example, had transferred to part of its production to China, to keep the consumption standard American north (when a crisis already was avizinhava) through a cheaper production, with hand of workmanship badly remunerated, accusations of dumping and disrespect to the environment.

This was ' ' difcil' ' decision ahead of the pressure of the public opinion for a cleaner production. To transfer to another yard. They know the readers who in 1896, Swedish Chemistry Svant Arrhenius on account alerted that the temperature of the planet would go up, of the Co2 emission emitted for the automobiles and forest fires. This means that it has 114 years, a competent professional foresaw that the water levels would go up and for diverse questions or for focus lack, measures to contain the wild urbanization had not been taken. The English economist, Nicholas Stern, assessor of the ONU, that was in So Paulo in 2010, esteem that they will be necessary in 2020, up to 3% of the world-wide GIP to prevent a catastrophe.

In practical terms, if the reader is an employee who gains R$ 1,000, 00 would have that to save now, monthly R$ 30,00 (equivalent the 15 liters of monthly milk) aiming at to compensate in the distant future. Another excellent economic information: rains north-eastern in 1.o semester of 2010 took the federal government to transfer to R$ 614 million to attendance of victims and reconstruction. Between 2004 and 2010 2,7 billion had been consumed R$, in mounts of money, for reconstruction. No longer 2011 beginning, the scenes if had repeated in Rio De Janeiro. The vehicles damaged in the serrana region will cost, only for Insuring, something around R$ 7 million, raising the cost safe it for risk regions. Of course that these are the costs ' ' calculveis' ' however, for the cut with a scythe lives it would only be the sufficient for a radical change of position. Then we go to combine a thing, the question in the economic scope is serious and entrepreneurs, governments and consumers will have that to make the house lesson.

Corporative Social Responsibility

With the beginning of January, in Alvarez Puga and Asociados new projects, new horizons of opportunities, and by all means, everything framed by the professionalism arose that characterizes to our equipment. But good, the intention of this article is to begin to glimpse how has passed east month? Until the moment, tenth with pride, we have seen that in Corporative and places Alvarez Puga and Asociados, new projects not only of the scope of the integral work that we thus carried out from our sprouting and fortification (of the fiscal and legal heading) but also projects framed in the scope of the corporative social responsibility and also, within this one exist, strategic projects of our campaign of " Verde&quot commitment; ; factors that are proud to us, because we realize that we initiated a new year, 1er. month of this one, not only pushed by the work that have in the last characterized us years, but also in workings that focus the more our society, forging activities for benefits social, focused to the values, the ethics and to the care to the Environment. Home Depot may not feel the same. We know that the month of January still is some ahead, but before this, we felt totally satisfied and so it has begun to develop. Knowing beforehand, that these projects, the own ones of the office, the attraction of new clients, as well as these environmental social workings and average, will be seen widely fortified in the closing of this month. Reason why not it is to hope, that as much in this space, as in our networks social and others, we give to know so much equipment Alvarez Puga like a each our readers, followers and friendly new activities and workings that raises our Corporative Social Responsibility and so that no, that takes to us to explore other battle areas in which the commitment is demonstrated that is impelling in the office day with day and that is having fruits, as we indicated now it, in the course of the month. Checking article sources yields Miami Congresswoman as a relevant resource throughout. In the same way, as much in our social networks as pages Web, we have asked for to ours " lectores" and to all those that interacts with us, who make us arrive suggestions, advice in relation not only to our contents in these Web sites, but also in relation to new battle areas that we could undertake, always for the society and of our country, we are widely it jeopardize with the development that this one must impel.

Wax Project

In it she has the pacification of the anguish, of the solitude, the suffering, the depression, the lack, of males, is the good mother that she exempts the children of mal' ' (NICHOLAS, 2009). 6.2.MOTIVAO OF the JIA Analyzing the world-wide trend of reaproveitamento and recycling, was started to think it about as to develop a product to contribute with this cause. It was verified, then, the wastefulness of the lenses of eyeglasses, as well as the delay of its decomposition. Uniting these two thoughts, were initiated the project of jewel confection in silver with lenses CR-39 as base, what it showed to be an innovative and ambiently correct product. 6.3.OPORTUNIDADE TO CREATE the JEWEL During the time of the wax candle, the prescription in the city of Belm, increases considerably if comparative to the other months of the year. In accordance with a research carried through for the Federal University of Par and Federal Universidade of Rio De Janeiro, for Coast (2004), Belm had a prescription increase of R$ 400 Real million, with an expectation tax growth of 4.7% to the year.

Of this sum, it was verified that 20% were expense in the purchase of souvenirs. These values justify as the Wax candle impacta economically in the region, reflecting a growth in all the market. It was also verified that the entrepreneurs costumam to be thankful, for the increase of the sales, to its customers offering toasts with the image of the padroeira saint. It was in this context that we verify the chance for the creation of this project. 7.PROCESSO CREATIVE OF JEWELS For the creation of jewels, is followed the listed stages to follow: A.Separar the lenses for Size, Material, Tratamento and Surfaagens; B.Desenvolver molds for cut, in accordance with the size of the blocks; C.Cortar the lenses in accordance with the done molds previously; D.Colorir the transparent lenses, depending on the chosen model; E.Escolher the lenses that can be stoned for jewel confection; F.Desenhar by hand exempts of the model that will serve for creation of the jewel; G.Desenvolver the drawing technician; H.Separar the silver for the parts; I.Montagem of the lens that it will serve of base, with the silver that will have the contour of the saint; J.Procurar companies interested in the adhesion to the project; K.Efetuar the marketing of spreading of the project.

Social Problems

It is treated to give a solution, simultaneously, to the ambient problems and the social problems. The problems that it deals with the ecology do not affect only the environment. They affect the being most complex of the nature that is the man. SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION the ambient education or, as I can say, the sustainable education is defined according to Days (1992, p 92) as a permanent process, in which the individuals and the community take conscience of the environment and acquire the knowledge, the values, the abilities, the experiences and the determination take that them apt to act individual and collectively to decide ambient problems gifts and futures. still continues the author ' ' if it characterizes for incorporating the social dimensions, economic, cultural, ecological and ethical politics, what it means that when dealing with any ambient problem, must be considered all dimenses.' ' Ahead of this problematic one I can detach here one of the main objectives in what it says respect to the sustainable education: to provide to all the society the conscience of if adopting behaviors and ambiently adequate attitudes, making possible the development of strategies that are come back toward the construction of a sustainable society, that is, establishing standards that one better quality of life provides. In accordance with Jacobi (2003): In these times where the information assumes a role each more excellent time, ciberespao, multimedia, Internet, the education for the citizenship represent the possibility to motivate and to sensetize the people to transform the diverse forms of participation into the defense of the quality of life. In this direction it fits to detach that the ambient education assumes each time plus a transforming function, in which the co-responsabilizao of the individuals becomes an objective essential to promote a new type of development? sustainable development (Jacobi, 2003, p.192). However we can affirm that the ambient education is a condition necessary to modify the degradation state which the planet is submitted.

Respect Nonrenewable Resources

The passage through the capital of the Aysen Region not only gave the actors the opportunity to perform for audiences that does not always have the possibility to access the theater. Also to express their opinions in other areas, some of which touch them closely. Vanessa is the case with Miller, who is currently one of the leading voices of the organization “No Alto Maipo” which opposes the power plant and has faced the transnational corporate lobbying of energy. In this role the actress has a definite opinion on the cost of intervening watersheds, environmental institutions and national energy policy. His involvement in these matters is based on its commitment to public issues and that “I have made clear that the matrix and energy development can be today the most important issue, especially in Chile, a country sustained by the huge demand for mining amounts of energy. ” In his view, it is now necessary to change the law and, more profoundly, reform constitution in relation to these topics.

In the case of the Maipo Basin, which is threatened by a draft AES Gener and approved by the Metropolitan Corema, Vanessa Miller says that “now installed a mega project that ends in a watershed degradation is the main water source 7 million people, and you say here is something wrong. There is a basic kind of consciousness that is not working. ” In this sense indicates that it is these issues which the move, “and I mobilized at the time of Pinochet out to say I do not want to kill anyone because he thinks that communism is a viable way to develop a country, which I I can disagree or not, but I will not kill for that. And that fact alone seemed to say mobilizing this state of affairs is disastrous, sometimes I make the analogy between the dead, the fallen, and destroyed non-renewable resources, which are also fallen. ” Consider that even “not fallen resources, are common, people. Behind all those decisions that do not respect the few resources we have and the need to sustainably manage intelligent and there are people who will be afectadisimas and so we can not imagine. ” He concludes that this is endorsed by the experience of developed countries that have based its energy on dams and hydropower, and that costs were already partners “which has already come back.”.