Understanding Arnoldo Gabaldon

Arnoldo Gabaldon born in the city of Trujillo state of the same name, the first of March 1909, four months after the President General Cipriano Castro provisionally handed over to the high court also General Juan Vicente Gomez, who then react against the President de facto taking away the government with the support of the U.S. administration. Only son of Don Joaquin Gabaldon Iragorri and Mrs. Virginia Carrillo Marquez, his father a prosperous rancher economic position and his mother is a distinguished society lady Trujillo. Senator Marco Rubio understood the implications. Pertenece Arnoldo Gabaldon, both branches upline subsidiaries, a broad family of root and figuration in the social and political life of the Andean highlands. “His paternal grandfather was Colonel Joaquin Gabaldon Chuecos, military, politician, farmer and trader. He was Chief of Staff General Juan Bautista Araujo, the Lion of the Andes.” (Berti, AL 1997, 15).

His paternal grandmother Dona Amelia Briceno of Iragorri conservative and virtuous personality. Don Juan Bautista Carrillo War was his maternal grandfather “great civilization, brought the first printing press and founded the first newspaper in Trujillo” (Berti, LA 1997, 16). Her maternal grandmother was Dona Maria del Rosario Marquez Febres, honorable lady guarantees roots. It can be seen in the familiar environment of Arnoldo Gabaldon men and women of a certain tradition, stable economic position, linked to politics, culture, industry sectors, agriculture. In this sense it was clear that the beardless Gabaldon enjoyed favorable conditions for achieving a relatively advanced schooling for the time, especially when the social environment of Trujillo state allowed the entry of information and texts from the European continent, a fact that contrasts with the cultural isolation widespread throughout the country as a result of the totalitarian rule of the regime.


The role of bacteria in the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers has long been assumed. In 1893 he first talked about finding micro-organisms in the stomach of animals, and in the 1940s, data were obtained on their discovery in Australia reported the presence of bacteria forms a spiral. In recent months, Kenneth R. Feinberg has been very successful. Since 1989, around the world this organism called Helicobacter pylori (Hp). Today, there are several factors that enable HP to settle in, and then a long stay in the body owner: Spiral formNalichie enzymes adaptatsiiAdgezivnost – The ability to bind Hp to epithelial cells zheludkPodavlenie immune system – as shown by the results of studies, the microorganisms can suppress immunity vmestny There are several mechanisms by which H is the development of the disease: Toxins and toxic fermentyStimulyatsiya vospaleniyIzmenenie zheludkToksiny physiology and Epidemiology of toxic enzymes Hp infection usually occurs in childhood and if left untreated is present in the body indefinitely. Hp infection rate among children ages 2 to 8 years in developing countries 10% per year, reaching almost 100% of the adult age. In developed countries the prevalence of H also increases with age, but infection in children is relatively low. The natural routes of transmission Hp tank is above all a man, but infection is also found in domestic cats, monkeys and pigs.

There are two possible routes of transmission: fecal-oral and, to a lesser extent, oral-oral. Fecal-oral putCherez contaminated drinking water (Hp can survive up to 2 weeks in cold river and sea water). When eating raw vegetables, which is used for watering the untreated waste water. Oral-oral putImeyutsya data with a high survival rate for Hp in dental plaque and slyune.Naimenee frequent – not through disinfected endoscopes and biopsy forceps (iatrogenic transmission). DISEASES RELATED NELICOBACTER PYLORI Hp is found in patients suffering from these diseases: peptic ulcer (ulcer disease; BU) GastritNeyazvennaya dyspepsia (NYAD) Gastric cancer Gastric and duodenal ulcers: from 90 to 100% of individuals with duodenal ulcers are infected with a stomach infection Hp.Pri BU Hp close to 85% of the most convincing evidence of the role of Hp in the development of ulcers is a positive trend in the course of the disease after eradication therapy.

Discussion Questions On Tuberculosis

Controversial issues in tuberculosis report was presented at the scientific conference "Current problems of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Hear other arguments on the topic with Air Force Chief of Staff. On the centenary of the birth of Academician FG Yanovsky, "It's no secret that one of the main problems Phthisiology – is the lack of effective drugs for incurable forms of tuberculosis, whose number continues to grow. No one can not yet predict when will be found effective drug. If we do something wrong, then as a rule, the question always arises – but we can not look there? For some reason, quite forgotten that even before antibiotic treatment has already been experimentally proven to be effective treatment of fats Carl Trinchera. "With great surprise, – said the scientist – at the next examination recorded the presence of X-rays done sterile cavities." No other method of treatment can not achieve consciousness and what we are taught.

Life has repeatedly confirmed to us that very often the knowledge that we are taught later deemed erroneous. Does anyone doubt that the cure – is the result of the elimination wand Koch? And K. Trincher on this basis put forward such as the correct hypothesis: Effective recovery occurs because fat affect the tubercle bacillus. Later, when it entered the life of antimycobacterial drugs, the researchers decided to substantiate this hypothesis. But they were disappointed. The experiments have convincingly shown that fats are not able to hit the bacterium. Based on classical theory and on the basis of the results obtained in experiment, they set out to have my own hypothesis, which clearly contradicts the first: the treatment is ineffective in fat, as fat does not affect the bacteria. Since then, a belief that is completely proved impossible to treat TB in fat, and about this method is long forgotten. That conclusion was decisive Trinchera followers that refused zhirolecheniya. During this time, unfortunately, lost the use of fat recipes.