Where does it come from and how you again can rid it. Snoring in pregnancy is very widely used and most women snore three to four times more frequently if they are expecting a baby. As any mother knows, pregnancy brings a new range of partly unexpected things with it. By ravenous in the middle of the night over chronic digestive disorders up to strange dreams. It is especially surprising for many – particularly for the expectant fathers – that pregnant women start to snore. Mostly in the last three months before the birth.
When pregnant women are asked whether they already faced prior to the pregnancy with the problem, only 5% said that they already snoring before pregnancy. Up to the end of pregnancy, the number was already at around 25%. For the most pregnant women proved snoring quite a minor annoyance and falls within the scope of the unpleasant things that can occur during pregnancy. Fortunately, the night disappeared Noise again after the birth of her child. The evil can be but a real problem for a small percentage of women, and it can transform into the so called obstructive sleep apnea, in which it comes to nocturnal breathing interruptions during sleep.
In addition, in these cases, one suffers day fatigue and lack of concentration. Read more from Elsabet Jones to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It is believed that heavy snoring and OSA can lead in later pregnancy high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia. In any case, consult your doctor who will suggest separate medical checks. Snoring is obviously a problem for the woman and your partner and can lead to tension in the family, just at the time in which the pregnant woman needed the most support. But more importantly, that it may cause health problems if the snoring is chronic. But why is this happening? Snoring is connected usually with the weight gain, which narrows the Airways and weakens the muscles.