However, Maria Jose Marcondes praises that: ' ' In the maneirista period, the social concern that integrated the concept of renascentista ideal city was substituted by the formalism, for a superiority of the regular, geometric plan, adjusted to the necessity of strenghtened cities, isolating, therefore? natural world? ' ' , (Marcondes, 1999, P. 20). No longer Baroque, the planned cities of Versailles in France and Karlsruhe in Germany present character the same deed of division with the tracing in Fan, but with possibilities of limitless expansion in the landscape. In both the periods, however, the subject of the incorporated nature to the urban structure is presented in the one form ' ' comforting naturalismo, oratory and formative, that during all the time that goes of 1600 the 1700 the episdica narratividade of the sistematizaes had dominated barrocas' ' , (Tafuri, 1985, P. 14). In century XVIII, with the consolidation of the industrial capitalism, the nature idea takes route in the form of the antiurban utopias. Speaking on the Tafuri question it affirms that: ' ' The antiurban utopias have historical continuity, that it goes of the proposals of the Iluminismo? e, by the way, if does not have to forget that the first anarchic theories on the necessity of a dissolution cities necessarily appear them in the second half of century XVIII? to the theory of the city-garden, the Soviet desurbanismo, the regionalism of the Regional Planning Association of America (RPAA), to Broadacre-City de Frank Wright' Lloyd; ' , (Tafuri, 1985, P. 15). These proposals many times had presented a content conservative, integrating a nostalgic movement in contraposition to the anguish of the alienation metropolitan. Widely emphasized during the iluminismo, the idea of nature in the construction of the models of cities, only lost this status in the end of century XIX contemporary, when it starts to predominate the present notion until middle of century XX, of the urban naturalismo associate to the restoration of a lost nature.