And if the designer is a party design company, market relations are cost not between the two, as usual, but between the three entities: the producer, the project organization and the customer. In this case, the customer Directs the design organization to create a project of the new system or upgrading an existing one, passing it, thus, choosing the right da. Project organization, contact the manufacturer asks for a passport for products specifying the technical characteristics of the ko, drawing, etc. There is an exchange of information between the project organization and the manufacturer. Contractors performing work for the construction or upgrading of heat exchanger equipment, installs fittings provided in the project – specific models ko particular manufacturer. In practice, in systems paropotreblyayuschego heat exchange equipment in addition to the individual da or a combination of QRs used as nodes draining on the basis of lp.
Node draining on the basis of certain models of co – a product made as a whole, which includes: self ko, and control instruments, valves, crossings, pipelines. Benefits of draining nodes: 1) Making any type on the basis of co 2) Simplified installation co 3) Small temporary installation costs 4) Exclude the violation mode of co, arising by reason of not properly executed binding, defective parts, lack of piping and control instrumentation. When you select a ca, but the main technical characteristics and dimensions also need to pay attention to the following parameters: – a range of technical options (mounting diameter, pressure, temperature, steam flow rate) – the stability of work for small loads and load variations, and pressure – option for accession installation (flanged, threaded, welded) – resistance to vibroudaram and dirt – the life – the payback period; These options products are important not only for consumers but also for the intermediaries ('wholesale component organizations'), since the more universal trap (a wide range of pressure, temperature, flow rate and the nominal diameter, stability of the oscillation of the load and pressure), the more his life service and lower price and therefore the payback period, the easier the data model will ko their consumers.