In the imaginary one of some women, the good mother is that one that suffered when giving to the light its children, in order to fulfill its paper. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Primerica. Being thus, we could have the hypothesis of that this would be a motivador factor, to the point that pain was not impeditive cause to the procreation, what it allowed the delay of species (ALMEIDA; OLIVEIRA, 2005). The scientific evidences show that the determinative factor for a good experience of childbirth is how much the woman felt protagonist of the event, that is, which the control level that it perceived to have on the process. We can summarize saying that the woman has necessity of being dealt with as subject asset and participant all process not as mere object. The model of care used for the obsttrica nursing currently is pautado in the humanizao of the assistance and has as base the public politics of health, in the perspective of the completeness, use of appropriate and necessary technologies, valuation of beliefs and ways of life.
The reflections that here will be presented constitute the attention to the childbirth, in the context of the services of health to the health of the woman. To help in the understanding of the interface intended in this text, recital in studies searched on the Obsttrica attention in Brazil. Currently, it has intense quarrel on the question of the humanizao in the childbirth and on as to become it the possible most physiological event and with minimum interventions. The term humanizao has crossed these quarrels having become synonymous to take care of well of the other, but this is a paradigm question. In this perspective, many questionings appear: As the transistion was given historical of the time of the Obstetrician until the Obsttricas nursing? How the professionals of nursing in daily practical its can incorporate and apply cares so that the woman in labor has a desired and humanizado childbirth? Which the not farmacolgicas interventions alliviate pains of the childbirth in the active phase of the dilatao? She is necessary that it has a deep reflection on the performance of the professionals of nursing in the rooms of childbirth of the hospitals and on as they perceive the accomplishment of its care as humanizado.