MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG: EU Commission review of the anti-fraud agreement, Appenzell, in June 2009: the European Commission wants to renegotiate the anti-fraud agreement with the Switzerland. The Commission’s objective is to deal with tax matters as the direct and indirect taxation. The Swiss Government rejected a renegotiation and preferred cooperation between individual States. Laszlo Kovacs, EU Commissioner, calls the renegotiation of the agreement of 2004 between the Switzerland-EU on combating fraud. So, the Commission would like to incorporate the exchange of information in accordance with the OECD standard (mutual assistance in tax evasion).
A similar agreement with Liechtenstein, which at the moment is negotiated, is model for Kovacs. This planned fraud prevention agreement foresees the direct and indirect taxation between Bern and Brussels are considered only the indirect taxes under the previous arrangements. The MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG sees no reason to renegotiate as the Swiss Government and preferred Contracts between the Switzerland and States, to improve the exchange of information and to meet the rigorous OECD standards. Another reason speaks according to the MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG against negotiations with the EU: it is by no means certain that the EU Commission by the Governments of member countries get the necessary mandate for negotiations. Finally, they say of the MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG, not all EU countries are willing to cede their fiscal sovereignty to Brussels. While bilateral agreements with the EU are so unlikely in the near future, Switzerland with the United States is talking about the inclusion of new standards in the field of mutual assistance. These negotiations are according to the MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG of great importance: they take place against the background of the tax affair of the Swiss Bank UBS in the United States.
So that these talks can lead to success, the Switzerland makes certain demands. As expected the Swiss Federal Council as a condition for the granting of Assistance in tax evasion, that the action of the US tax authority IRS to release up to 52,000 client data of UBS is withdrawn the MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG welcomes such a condition as a prerequisite for successful talks on fiscal issues. If you would like to know more then you should visit American Writer. About MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG, MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG is a traditional hotel from the Switzerland with almost three decades of experience. Their continuous and steady commitment new demonstrating the MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG with any project. The financial experts of met Vermogensverwaltung AG ensures the sustainable fulfilment of the objectives of their clients. The MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG located in Appenzell. Together with its customers, MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG develops solutions for asset accumulation, the capital protection and prevention. The financial experts of met Vermogensverwaltung AG training constantly. So, met Vermogensverwaltung AG’s customers always benefit from a service up to date. Their MWB Vermogensverwaltung AG consistently has decades of experience, as well as the active relations in the international network of the capital market for the propagation of the assets entrusted to it. Contact met Vermogensverwaltung AG weissbadstrasse 14 CH-9050 Appenzell contact person: Heinz Isler Office Zurich met Vermogensverwaltung AG: Dufourstrasse 43 CH-8008 Zurich E-Mail: Internet: Tel.: + 41 (0) 44-269 75 75 fax: + 41 (0) 44-269 75 76