Manuel Flag

To the being adapted for Brazil, the Futurismo lost the initial suasignificao established by the principles of the school of Marinetti.Surge then the So Paulo Futurismo that starts to have as caractersticasprincipais freedom and originalidade. Therefore, to breach with the structures dopassado was one of the main characteristics of the Modernismo. Saying in Modernismo one of the names of bigger prominence foiManuel Flag and as well as the excessively modernistas ones, wanted to portray the new, however not new it that it came of it are, and yes something different them escolasanteriores. Test of this is that in its workmanships it looks for to be critical making umaquebra with the characteristics of the old lyricism. Thematic infancy started to be used with greater freqnciaa to break of the sprouting of the Modernismo a time that the poets of this would perodoqueriam to produce a literature that it valued tipicamentebrasileiros aspects as the people, its coloquial language and its traditions. This contribuiupara that Brazilian infancy also was become incorporated thematic the usadaspelos authors in its poems and between them is Manuel Flag. According to Cavalcanti (2000, p.2) infancy is present in the workmanship of flag (in at least) of two distinct forms; in the first one comoum is mentioned the souvenirs to it of infancy good time and without problems as if infancy was a parasoperdido species of; in second, infancy is represented by the valuation of crianapobre valued by the coal boy or simply in the pertaining child it classe poor, among others possible dismemberments. It loaded I obtain the thought of that it would go to early die to porser tuberculoso, therefore its poetries are pautadas by thematic as death, loss of heart and sadness. Thus we can observe in Pneumotrax, gift in the obrLibertinagem, which had great relevance because only from suapublicao, Manuel Flag if it integrated to the Modernismo.