Note that wages in companies with the most famous brand is often not the highest on market. This confirms once again that the professionals do not change jobs for money. Or not so much for the money … 3. Recruiters 'new wave' – the future of weapons in the war for talent. Frequently communicating with internal recruiters of companies, you realize that all of their "guerrilla" tactics are focused on standard ways of finding and selecting candidates, as well as on improving technology (a special HR-software and the Internet.) Obviously, most of them are more concerned search process than the results … just venturing into the search process, many can not see beyond their noses and can not solve the real problems with the staff.
Many recruiters forget or do not know at all that is true art of recruiting. They use the ideas and theories of leadership recruitment, try them in and drop out, disappointed, and then to return to a less efficient, but already proven – resume, ads and online search. I I look like banging on the keys keyboard recruiters, conducting your search. Recruiters have more confidence in databases than relationships that are one source of finding candidates standing. So what does the future "Weapon" in the war for talent? This – recruiters – innovators, creative thinking with recruiters, and recruiters – workaholics, who regard their work as art and not simply as a duty. These recruiters do not believe that their profession is only an initial step of HR.