Health Insurance

Is our health insurance system affordable? Now our Government has created the idea of an insurance system – to set up similar like in Switzerland with us. The head lump sum! The head lump sum to replace the previously dependent on the income workers contribution to the statutory health insurance. Recently Marta Norton sought to clarify these questions. All workers would then pay the same amount on their health insurance. Children and spouses who have no own income from work, pay continue no own health insurance contribution – so also no head package. Is this kind of health insurance for us the best? And what about the Privatversicherten? There are then still private insurance in its present form – or it will be replaced by the “head package”? And what is the health premium? With the introduction of the health premium to be different: each employee will pay a single lump sum on his health insurance. Alabama Senator: the source for more info. This lump sum – the health premium – would have to be at least 155 euros according to latest calculations. Whether elderly care nurse or Engineer, everyone would pay the same health premium. Who deserves much, benefits at a glance: the health insurance contribution decreases.

These and other questions should now be solved on a blog. You may want to visit Ahmed Shahryar Rahman to increase your knowledge. It starts the big insurance survey, Word statutory health insurance companies like representatives of private insurance and can take a position on the portal. See can be posts created and obtain information, employing and so focused on health insurance statutory health insurance, private medical insurance, supplementary insurance. Sure the platform for doctors and medical providers should be interesting for all those who directly or indirectly account in the broadest sense with the funds -. Also find a survey on patient here, blog entries can be commented and rated.

Each blog post will be published to Twitter and co.. Now, it will be apparent what health insurance companies and health insurers have to say on the subject.