Financial Administrator

2. METHODOLOGY the present article is characterized as a descriptive exploratria research, and intends through a bibliographical revision, to analyze the diverse factors that involve the financial administrators, to take decisions that take the companies the maximizao of profits. The intention is to provide a general vision on the related subject, showing as the finances are of utmost importance for the useful life of a company, using themselves of the aid of the administrator who is ones of the responsible ones for the evolution of the equity of the same one. 3. APPLICATIONS, PRINCIPLES, OBJECTIVES AND PROBLEMS the initial approach of finances was concentrated in the contractual instruments and the description of the participant institutions of the financial market. The area of Finances of the Company concentrates in the questions of the financial management of the organization, being its main topics: the planning and the financial control, the financial analysis, the analysis of investments, the management of the turn capital, the cost and the structure of capital and the politics of shares. The enterprise activities involve financial resources and are oriented for the attainment of profits. Counting on an ample area of application, they in four basic areas can be made: Corporative finances – expression enterprise finances that the idea transmits with bigger property of that the basic principles of financial administration can be applied any company; Investments – that it determines the price of a financial asset, which the risks and returns associates to an investment and which the best composition of a set of asset; Financial institutions – in a financial institution, the knowledge on finances are necessary; International finances – they correspond not to a specific area, but to a specialization in which the beddings of finances are applied in international financial relations, as much with respect to financial assets, how much enterprise financial administration. Aiming at a bigger maximizao of profits in the company, the entrepreneur contracts a Financial Administrator, searching a reinforcement for the management of its finances, not to leave to empresar to fall in bankruptcy.