How will be able Chile to change the humor of the investors? Buenos Aires, Argentina 27 of January of 2009 Inflationary dynamics in Chile is being debilitated which increases the expectations of which the Central bank of Chile can again reach its goal of inflation for the end of 2009 it releases and it to be able to continue with his cycle of cuts of the interest rate of reference with the intention of improving the conditions of the monetary market to support to the economy. As much the president of the Central bank of Chile, Jose De Gregorio like the Chilean minister of Property, Andres Velazco, trust that he will manage himself to locate the rate of inflation within the rank from 2% to 4%. Even, the Central bank of Chile hopes that the retail rate of inflation is located in 3.1%. With the inflation encarrilando itself again, the government of Bachelet has the challenge ahead to maintain a good rate of economic growth to avoid that the possible deceleration in the activity has a negative social impact of meaning. Author contributes greatly to this topic. So far, the situation by which it crosses the economy maintains frightened the citizens, which is reflected clearly in the consumption behavior which they are observing. But returning to the objectives raised by the government of Bachelet, jointly with the challenge to put together the rate of economic growth, the Chilean government will have to recover the confidence of the investors and to do all the possible one so that the same can make specific their projects of investment (in case they wish to do it), including looking for to assure the access to the financing for the same. He is that the crisis has brought about the suspension or postponement of projects of investment in Chile by an amount of US$ 17,200 million, according to presented the Corporation Goods of Capital (CBC). .