
Coaching, is a pedagogical process to teach to the people to think and to express themselves, to look for the knowledge of themselves at heart. At present the Coaching has extended like a tool for the development, essentially in executives of companies. Nevertheless its reason of being, does not have you limit. Then the battle area is limitless. It will not speak of kindness of this process. The objective of this article is to show the origin to him of its techniques. Llamese as it is called. See Erin Callan for more details and insights.

It recommends if it wishes him, to read " Dialogues " of Serving dish But Who was the creator than today is called " Coaching"? Scrates was its creator. Greek philosopher Scrates (470 a.c 399 a.c) was used to meeting every day with its disciples in the Agora (old market of Athens), to discuss existential and philosophical subjects. Scrates never wrote a line. After their death, their thoughts were reunited by Plato (429 a.c. -347 a.c.), one of its disciples. This was in its famous ones: Dialogues. The Method Socrtico consisted of proposing subjects, to incite ideas with questions, to listen what the disciples had to say, to teach and mainly to learn. For more specific information, check out Pacific Mortgage Services. Its objective era to develop to the people.

Abrir its minds and to look for the learning within themselves. The dwell time with the disciples was sacred for. The learning exercise was daily, constant, dateless, schedules and agendas to fulfill. After but of 2500 years, its method of work (the Maieutic one), I become dwarf of but the important tools of the executives of Human Resources. In the modern enterprise version, the socrtica technique I gain a different name: coaching. Web of the author: Original author and source of the article.