FUNCTIONAL ILLITERACY IS PLUS A CHALLENGE THAT NECESSARY BRAZIL TO FACE. Beyond reducing the percentage of Brazilians whom they do not know to read and to write (10%), the country has the challenge to fight the call functional illiteracy, that reaches 25% of the population with more than 15 years, in accordance with the last National Research for Sample of Domiciles (Pnad), of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics of certain form, I evaluate that it is a bigger problem of what the absolute illiteracy, because this comes being reduced. ' ' But the functional illiteracy only cresce' ' , the executive director of Instituto evaluates Paulo Montenegro (IPM), Ana Lucia Rasp. The IPM, that is an arm of the Ibope, Created in 2001 the Pointer of Functional Alfabetismo (Inaf), in partnership with the organization not governmental Educative Action. The index measures the levels of functional illiteracy in the population enters the 15 64 years. For this, of two in two years, tests and questionnaires about 2 a thousand people in all the regions of the country are applied.
The Inaf divides the population in four levels, in accordance with its abilities in letramento and mathematics? Illiteracy, rudimentary alfabetismo, basic alfabetismo and full alfabetismo. According to Inaf of 2007, 7% of the Brazilians are illiterate and 21% have rudimentary abilities, that is, are capable to locate an explicit information in short texts, hands do not obtain to understand texts, to take off conclusions or to read numbers in the house of the millions. FUNCTIONAL ILLITERACY HARMS the DEVELOPMENT OF the COUNTRY the federal government has commemorated the ingression of 96,4% of the children with ages between 7 and 14 years in Basic Ensino and 83% of the adolescents between 15 and 17 years in Average Ensino. These numbers would be joy reason if they did not maquiassem one another reality, between the pupils who attend a course 4 series of public education, 55% do not know to read nor to write.