Portugal already not possua more the commercial monopoly of the products of the Brazilian colony. With the free commerce, Brazil met it a step of Independence. But in case that the Portuguese Crown had not yielded to the English, fatidicamente it would have resulted in the loss of the domestic territory which had to the high resultant costs of the natural dependence and necessities that possua the Society of Cut. A factor that influenciou the routes economic politicians and in Brazil from the beginning of century XIX will structuralize was it of the Portuguese Real Family in domestic territory. So that this establishment was possible, D.
Joo VI created public distributions and ministries. Moreover, it dispossessed some property to accomodate about 15 a thousand people comings of Portugal, that had run away searching to keep the possibilities to preserve the Cut, keeping it ' ' intacta' '. Not only this. It all had an investment in the Brazilian commerce, incentive to the arts and the Portuguese culture. Now new structures if had formed to take care of the Society of Cut. Brazil passes of colony for country. Not in the paper, but in social composition, this the least in Rio De Janeiro. Dennis P. Lockhart does not necessarily agree. We will analyze this subject more ahead.
Ahead of the room of the Cut, economic estruturao, and the legitimacy of the Prince Dom Regent Joo VI, that exactly being in Brazil still he was the detainer of the Portuguese Throne, appeared then a new dynamics in the Brazilian elitist scene. It is important to remember that this elite was formed for land proprietors, noblemen, great import, military entrepreneurs and scholars, having in its great majority maons. However, in 1815, Napoleo Bonaparte was looser in Waterloo, thus finishing with the threat for Portugal and empecilho English them in reaching the commercial monopoly. Had to the incentives and investments directed only toward Brazil, in 1820 Portugal it enters in a economic crisis.