Total Communication

The Total Communication includes in its structure all the linguistic forms: gestures bred for the children, language of signals, speaks, pray-face reading, manual alphabet, reading and writing. This boarding incorporates the development of any remaining portions of hearing for the improvement of the abilities of speaks or pray-face reading, through constant use, for a long period of time, individual auditory devices. Some authors (LACERDA, 1998; DORZIAT, 2005), however, say that the great problem of this philosophy is that to if trying to adjust the language of signals to the Portuguese language it finishes for occurring the mixture of two languages (Portuguese + Language of Signals), what it results in one third modality that is ' ' Portuguese sinalizado' ' , in which he occurs the introduction of grammatical elements of a language in the other and finishes for making impracticable the adequate use of the language of signals. The critical ones to the Total Communication had generated from the years 80 new quarrels on the communication of the deaf people in the school. Such quarrels if came back toward one another philosophy of the education of deaf people the Bilingismo.

This theoretical boarding has as estimated basic that the deaf person must be bilingual, that is, it must acquire as first language the language of signals (L1), that the natural language of the deaf people is considered and, as second language, the official language of its country (L2). For that they defend the Bilingismo, the deaf person does not need to desire an equal life to the listener, being able to assume its deafness. The Bilingismo defends that the language is an important way of access for the development of the deaf person in all the knowledge spheres, therefore propitiates the communication of the citizen with deafness with its pairs and with the other citizens, giving it has supported to the thought and stimulating the cognitivo and social development.

Region North

It enters the taxes for the natural person, of the credit card was only steady in the month, in 10,68%. The interests of the guaranteed check had fallen for 7,66% to the month, the lesser tax since December of 2007. Already the interests of the CDC of Banks had fallen for 2,88% to the month, the minor of the historical series. Annual comparison of dadosMas, exactly with the increase in April, the annual confrontation (against the same 2008 month) the demand of the consumers is supported negative, with fall of 11,4% in April before same month of 2008. In the gathered of the first quadrimestre of 2009, the search of the consumers for credit was 6.3% minor who the platform observed in first the four months of 2008.Em the regional research, the biggest increase of the search for credit in April was noticed in the Region North (high of 15%), folloied of close for the Regions South (+11.9%) and Southeast (+11.5%).

After that, they come the Regions Northeast (+9.2%) and Center-West (+4.9%). In the North, the expressive whitewashing of the demand, about 20% in last the two months (5.4% in March and 15% in April), restored index the same the level of September, when the economic crisis if aggravated. The process of also retaken is verified in the too much regions, but with lesser force. However, in the gathered of the first quadrimestre, all the regions still show fall in the demand of the consumers for credit. The lesser fall is observed in the Region North (- 2.1%), followed for Center-West (- 2.8%), Southeast (- 5.3%), South (- 7.3%) and Northeast (- 11.5%).

The increase of the demand for credit in April was homogeneous as for the monthly personal income. This rise was of 10,3% (consuming with monthly income between R$ 1 a thousand and R$ 2 a thousand) and 12.1% (income above of R$ 10 a thousand). As the company, this homogeneity is a signal that benefits the consistency of this process of recovery. But, in the gathered of the first quadrimestre, the low income (consuming with monthly profits of up to 500 Reals) leads the fall in the search for credit (11% jib). The too much bands of income oscillate between negative variations of -5% (income between R$ 5 a thousand and R$ 10 a thousand) the -6,4% (between R$ 1 a thousand and R$ 2 a thousand). The Pointer Serasa Experian of the Demand of the Consumer for Credit, launched in 17 of March, is calculated on the basis of a sample of about 11,5 million Cadastros of Pessoa Fsica (CPF) consulted monthly in the database of the company.

Head System

We can get angry or to protest by the unjust thing of the system, but abarremos losing. We have that to pay the fine and to undergo the corresponding loss of time and money. Givens adds, if we insisted on fighting against any system dominated by others, sooner or later we will lose: you can be safe. What to do then. It contributes Givens to us, that is due to play according to his rules, besides to have present that when one gambles in other people’s territory and we disobey the rules or we tried to change them without the agreement of did that them, we condemned to lose. If ours objective is to dominate our mind, life and ours own future, how we must to operate indeed, when apparently, we do not have voice nor vote in the subject? The answer is simple: simply we play according to the rules, although we have not done them.

If to win it is to progress the possible maximum towards ours dreams and I put, at the most time and energy we have available for that intention, before it will be possible to obtain what we looked for. Fighting against the system we lose time and energy. Perhaps we tend by nature to deceive the system and we pruned to prevail, but only in the short term. In the long term, we will lose. We will lose credibility, authority, money, " imagen" and until the use or the affective relation.

Whenever we fight against a system that we did not prune to change nor to dominate, we took those to lose. If we decided to have left we in other people’s territory, only we can to win playing according to the rules of the place we like or no. Givens relates in addition, that we consider that when we worked to the orders of another one and we want to prevail in ours use, experimenting the satisfaction to receive ascents and increases of pay, our unique possible strategy is to play according to the rules of the company or the head.

Personal Plan

If you had the opportunity to work with me in my pilot program " It unties the Power of your Dinero" (based on method MBM) you know that my basic belief is that " as well as beams the money is since it beams todo". The relation that you have with the money is a reflection of the relation that you have with same you. The money is basically a metaphor for the sense of your own one was worth and self-esteem. One is to increase to your self-esteem and your patrimony. They go on a par. The money is a part of our lives that we needed to daily handle, to face, to fix and to pay attention even several times throughout every day.

He is something that never will disappear while we are walking and breathing on this planet. The good news is that it is easy to realise a great transformation in your form of relacionarte with the money. When you begin to hacerte a series of powerful questions, quickly you will begin to include/understand the relation that exists between how you value yourself same, other aspects of your life and your other relations. He is really magician when you can experience this. Today I want to share with you one of the exercises that I teach within my program MBM (Money Breakthrough Method) Secret To increase your Patrimony and your Self-esteem.

There is a section where we spoke on pardoning the debts and other problems of money of your past by which you can sentirte guilty. I am going to share with you one of the exercises of that module that is to create your personal plan of debt payment: Step 1: It enumerates all the debts from smallest to greatest. It includes to whom you must money to him, the amount to pay, the interest rate, the date of payment and the required minimum payment.

Attract Money

To learn how to attract a woman he is something that the majority of the men never can dominate. The power to create that type of attraction in a woman who is attractive seems to intimidate and to confuse to the majority of us. If you feel that it is thus, you can asegurarte of which you are not only. In fact, forms leave from the majority of the men. In order to be able to create attraction in a woman you must understand what the women consider to be attractive.

Being men, we are very visual and we assumed that the women also are it. Nevertheless, the majority of the studies demonstrates that this is false. Also, the majority of the men assumes that a woman wants to perfect type and if the man tries to be that type, then will conquer the woman. The new one, that is not the case. There are several stimuli that an attraction in a woman creates.

Any woman will have is certain type of purchase by which they would not have to feel attraction, but even so she feels, it. Because? There are many factors in game, but one of them is the corporal language. A man who can project confidence its body will be much more successful with the women who a man who does not demonstrate confidence in the form in which it uses his body. But the confidence is not sufficient your corporal language also must demonstrate that you have some type of inherent value. While more value you have, more undesirable you will be for the women. To have value does not mean that you must have a Ferrari or to be millionaire. There are many men who do not make much money but even so women are very successful when seducing.

Brazilian Emission

Duplicate is a credit heading where its emission dependede a previous cause. 1 determines Law 5,474 of 18/07/1968 in its article all queem the contract of purchase and mercantile sales between domiciliated parts noterritrio Brazilian, with not inferior stated period the 30 (thirty) days, counted dadata of the delivery or forwarding of the merchandises, the salesman will extract the respectivafatura for presentation to the purchaser. The invoice will discriminate the merchandises vendidas or, to quandoconvier to the salesman, will only indicate the numbers and values of notes parciaisexpedidas for occasion of the sales, forwardings or deliveries of the merchandises.

Afatura is dispensable when the forma bill of sale is of the type ‘ ‘ note inspector-fatura’ ‘ , naqual already consists the elements of the invoice, necessary to the emission of the duplicate. The duplicate only can be emitted the emission after dafatura. Thus 2 establishes the article. of the Law of the Duplicates that in the act daemisso of the invoice, it entrepreneur or not as sacador) with at sight payment or the stated period, erepresentativo of the credit originated from related operations. As for the duplicate of rendering of services, the Leidas Duplicates in its article 20 establishes that the companies, individual oucoletivas, civil foundations or societies, that if dedicate to the installment deservios, will be able, also, in the form of this Law, to emit invoice and duplicate. Thus, the invoice will have to discriminate the nature of the serviosprestados ones; the addition to pay in money will correspond at the cost of> serviosprestados, being applied to the invoice and the duplicate of rendering of services, you eat cabveis adaptations, the relative disposals to the invoice and duplicate of vendamercantil.

Metallurgical Plant Companies

The problem of 'free places' still relevant for road transport. Until now, many companies to carry goods with different dimensions using the same means of transport: as a rule, long-length vehicles. This leads to a waste of expensive fuel, limited the possibilities of maneuver in urban environments, which affects the timing of delivery. To optimize the transportation companies need to use special types of transportation. For example, Iveco trucks mark with six-meter body is well suited to handle small orders (up to 15 tons of metal).

Such machines can be equipped with a manipulator, which allows more and more refuse handling equipment. 'Modern Smelting Company should be prepared to transport different types of cargo – said Denis Chetverikov, Director of Logistics of the Russian business unit (European provider of solutions made of metal for construction and engineering industries). – In addition, have to work with other related goods. For example, the transport of sandwich panels, necessary for the construction of buildings of metal and having a relatively low density, we use a trailer bodies 83 cu. m. This is convenient, efficient and inexpensive. " Along with rail and road transport in Russia are increasingly being used ships.

In this case, as the practice of foreign and domestic companies, need to move from a simple '' cargo to its transport container. So, in order to reduce the cost of transportation Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant has started to ship metal for export in containers. By According to Igor Nechaev, commercial director of the company, it reduces transport costs by avoiding unnecessary production of transshipments in the ports, as well as more effectively to build logistics in limited areas.


The description of the corruption proves in the primrdios of the civilization and politicosocial organization human being. Its concept if does not only restrict to the politician-administrative adversities, however he is closely on with some forms of disrespect to the citizen. In a general way, the disloyal practical manifestations of to the exercise politician in nations whose been economic it meets in development state, where financial disequilibrium and the great indices of social inaqualities are pointed reflect resulted exponential and depend on the financial alliance with too much developed countries. The fraudulent public shunting line acts of resources, money laudering, abuse of being able, superinvoicing, fake and traffic of drugs finish for denigrating the semblante of a nation, beyond causing drastic effect to the economy, conferring to a clutter in the structure of the citizenship of the same one. In short, the corruption interlaces it the absolutism a time that democracy has failed, by means of the absence of concomitant information and transparency to the citizen in which the same vote was delegated or the confidence. Ahead of this scene Justice has splendid paper in verifying, analyzing, to process and to judge the involved litigated ones in such frauds and, therefore, to impose the progress and the order amongst diverse component scopes of the state, state and municipal spheres.

In case that this not to occasion ciphers against the infractors, one more time will be unpunished the culprits being the injured society again, leading to believe that Justice shelters the corruption in way to its pillars. It is essential that the citizen analyzes, it searchs and it investigates the past and the information of the representative candidate or of which it is desired to delegate the power, therefore using itself of this procedure will be viable better relation of transparency between the sectors that conduct the sovereignty of the popular democracy. However the insolvency, in general terms, spreads enters the axles of a social or same organization in the division of the Power in Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. These that if make responsible in imposing the duty to command and to contribute for the inherent development to the quality of life of the population long for banal cases of corruption stop with the public, vital financial resource to the satisfaction and structural conditions to the citizen. For in such a way, to extinguish the corruption in the States, in a generalized manner, becomes still more difficult when it has disequilibrium notable in the relation politician-socioeconmico. In thesis, it is preponderant that the society in set if pledges in brightening up all the condizentes causes to the corruption. from there that one will mainly establish the growth of the economy and eradication of the poverty in the emergent countries.

the government

The following are private full backup is described in more detail. You should never change to a private health insurance (PHI) if you can not have consulted previously neutral. For example, either by the government of the insured or by having to inform itself in the form of brochures and marketing material. The advantages that a private health insurance can offer you, speak for themselves. The performance is in fact much larger than with statutory health insurance. Depending on which tariff you choose, you can, therefore, choose the various services that you want to have it in your plan. What are the benefits you enjoy at a private health insurance, are mentioned below.

Among the outpatient services include the following: You can choose your doctor. You also have a few waiting times by appointment. In addition, you can switch at any time your doctor, even without a referral. You also have the advantage of trying out the latest (in particular alternative or very expensive) treatments and to get the latest medications prescribed. You get all the drugs without prescription. Added a supplement freedom for all drugs and medicines. You not only have a free choice of doctor, but you have to go and the possibility of a healer, if the healer has a corresponding admission requirements.

refunded when you need new glasses, then you anti-reflective, private health insurance costs and even tinted glasses. Reimbursement for spectacle frames amounts to 100-250 . Even for hard or soft gas permeable contact lenses for a refund of the costs made by the insurance. Your private insurance coverage is valid Europe – or worldwide, without having to pay a higher amount. The patient benefits include the free choice of hospital. They are handled by the chief physician beyond. Your accommodation is in single – or twins. You will also receive hospital cash and have no co-payment to bear the hospital expenses. Also in a European – or global scope is no excess. The dental services include free choice of dentist. There will be a reimbursement of up to 100% for a Zahnbehandelung. Also inlays are reimbursed it. Furthermore, for denture is a reimbursement of costs up to 100%. This area also expensive implants and dentures. If orthodontic treatment is to be paid back up to 100%. The benefits of long term care insurance carried in accordance with legal requirements. The sick pay in line with the agreed rate of sick pay insurance to the full net income.

Intervention Of The United Nations

In the event of being condemned by the State for compensatory damages of one of such damage resulted from the willful misconduct or gross fault of its agents, the former shall be against it. ARTICLE 91. In case of clear infringement of a constitutional provision to the detriment of any person, the superior orders does not excuse the executing agent. The military service are exempted from this provision. Respect to them, the responsibility will fall exclusively on the superior giving the order.

ARTICLE 92. Any natural or legal person may request the competent authority the application of the penal or disciplinary sanctions resulting from the conduct of public authorities. ARTICLE 93. The treaties and conventions ratified by Congress, that recognize human rights and that prohibit their limitation in states of emergency prevailing in the domestic. The rights and duties enshrined in this Charter shall be interpreted in accordance with international human rights treaties ratified by Colombia. The Colombian government can recognize the jurisdiction of the International Professional Court as provided in the Rome Statute adopted on 17 July 1998 by the Plenipotentiary Conference of the United Nations and, consequently, to ratify this treaty in accordance with the procedure laid in this Constitution. The admission of a substantial material different treatment by the Rome Statute with respect to the guarantees contained in the Constitution shall have effect only within the scope of the area covered in it.

* Amended by Legislative Act 2 / 2001. Were added subsections 3 and 4. ARTICLE 94. The enunciation of the rights and guarantees contained in the Constitution and international conventions in force, not be understood as denial of others which, being inherent to the human person, not expressly mentioned in them. CHAPTER V – DUTIES OF ARTICLE 95. The quality of Colombian praises to all members of the national community. All are on duty to magnify and dignify it. The exercise of the rights and freedoms recognized in the Constitution implies responsibilities. Every person is bound by the Constitution and laws. The duties of the individual and the citizen: Respect the rights of others and not abuse their own; To act under the principle of social solidarity, responding to humanitarian action in situations that endanger the life or health of persons, respect and support a legitimately constituted democratic authorities to maintain national independence and integrity. Defend and promote human rights as the foundation of peaceful coexistence participate in the political, civic and community in the country; To encourage the achievement and maintenance of peace; Work for the proper functioning of the administration of justice, protect natural and cultural resources of the country and ensure the preservation of a healthy environment to help finance expenses and investments of the state in concepts of justice and equity.