Becoming Work

Every day tens of blogs are born and die written in their majority by fans, Despite you knew that they exist thousands of bloggers in everybody that they exclusively live on his passion to write articles in the network? A great difference between being exists to blogger fan and one that wants to make of its liking a profession. The way to obtain it consists like of any other creative work in making an effort, to invest to us long time actually but mainly in acquiring habits and routines of work that benefit and discipline to us to achieve our objectives. Here I review some to you of the keys that you need to get to be to blogger professional if is that your goal: 1) To define your objectives you do not have to begin nothing without before knowing to where you want to arrive or which is the intention to do what you want to do, in this case: to get to be Professional Blogger. 2) To be prolific key to be a good one for blogger it is TO WRITE, to write and to write. At the most you write, you will make better it. Whatever posts we publish more, better we will be tried by the motors search. The more original content we offer to our readers, the more subscribers we will have. This key it is simple, but normally usually it is failed to fulfill since almost always, after exciting beginnings, the majority of blogs, usually languishes, letting more and more pass time between publication and publication, which takes finally them to disappear. By all means that is not easy and the first positive results, will take in arriving therefore we do not have to be hopeless if after some months of effort and constant work, the number of visits no it grows as we would want.


We are in disclosing worse that the animal irrationals, therefore between them, excepted the law of the alimentary chain where some types if become predators of others, in those of the same species we do not see so great brutality. Yesterday Brazil, estarrecido, saw the scenes of a person who literally played in a garbage dump-cart, full of entulhos, a child of only some days of life. Today of morning I reviewed the same scene in a telejornal and cried ahead of an act so insane, who almost after that was a little minimized by the action of some people who had rescued the child and had delivered to our authorities. We need to wake up and to endow our society with conscience, so that let us can, when nothing, not terms that to see scenes as these again.

As to make, what to make, some thing has that to be made and with urgency urgentssima therefore the facts run against our principles and attempt against against the minimum quota of dignity of the human being. Since mainly creating conditions of access to the health, of the women, in special most devoid, creating a system in which if it can, freely, to opt to a program of conscientious natality and even though an optional program of control of the natality, beyond the sexual education in the schools, they are questions that they immediately need to be faced, reason the life cannot be play in the garbage cans and the dumps-cart of entulhos. It is less brutal to argue the possiblidade of even though debating in them on the legislation on the abortion of what continuing to see a crime of this sum where just-been born they are played on walls in strips of land, in bag plays in the lagoons, the garbage cans and the dumps-cart of entulhos. We need to disponibilizar access to the health immediately our citizens women, mainly to the young and special way to that more devoid and continuous act we need to organize meeting between the controllers of the organized entities of the civil society, to debate all this situation, that is chaotic and it demands a solution accomplishes. That God illuminates in them, that takes off in them of this blackout that is to the few hiding our eyes, that leave in them sad and that they make in them to cry.


The age of the absolutism. In: History of the Civilization Occidental person 43ed. So Paulo: Publishing company Globe, 2005. pp.425-451 vol.2. The first edition of ‘ ‘ history of the civilization ocidental’ ‘ of Burns it appeared in 1941.

Some times had been reviewed since then, the workmanship was remained as one of the texts most popular and widely used in colleges and university until today. Burns was one illustrates professor and a serious researcher, more pleasant and without I make rancio, faleceu in 1972. To characterize a historical moment, we must analyze incorporating it a context in fact. ‘ ‘ The Age of the Absolutismo’ ‘ to know: system where the authority of the governor is absolute (Dermival rivers, dictionary of the student. ed. Brazil s/a) did not run away the constatao. Author Edward Burns, approaches the filament historical that takes to the state absolutist.

‘ ‘ For the birth of the modern civilization; in the course of centuries XIV and XV the power of the medieval national monarchies had been gradually rank to the test for the uprisings of the end of the Mdia’ Age; ‘. Nelson Pilett – History and Integrated life – also approaches the absolutism with sequel of a behavior politician. ‘ ‘ with the disaggregation of the Roman Empire Occidental person, the kings exerted, mainly, military functions and politics. Without fulfilling activities administrative, the king had its powers limited for the action of the feudal nobility, that for being you of the land controlled in fact the power ‘ ‘ We can for thus dissertar that the end of the spalling of being able characterized the absolutism, regimen politician who defended the total power in the hand Dos Reis. Where it approached feudal King, Bourgeoisie and noblemen to the government control and that each one of this age moved for its proper interests; here it is the differential of the monarchy absolutist for the absolutism and or totalitarianism.

The Learning

Thus, the authentic learning occurs when the pupil is interested and if he shows pledged in learning, that is, when he is motivated. It is the interior motivation of the pupil whom it stimulates and vitaliza the act to study and to learn. From there the importance of the motivation in the process teach-learning. In accordance with Tapia and Fita (2003) authors cited for Saints (2005, P. 37), ' ' … the learning is a construction that the pupil carries through on the base of the initial state when incorporating the new information in its projects cognitivos' '. The learning is moved, however, for the establishment of an interest, a goal, an objective.

From there the necessity of if developing the motivation in classroom. Education requires action and as resulted of this action, it has the learning. But so that if it carries through the action and this results in the learning is necessary, initially, that it has the will, in this in case that, the will to learn on the part of the pupil. To stimulate the pupils to study and to learn, the professor uses resources or procedures incentivadores. These resources must not only be used at the beginning of the lesson, but in all elapsing of it.

Reasons incentives are important in all the phases of the learning, and not only at its initial moment. It has much professor who is only worried about the incentivao at the beginning of the activity, without if remembering of that this has all of being strengthened in elapsing of the process, so that the motivation does not decrease, the point of until if extinguishing. So that the learning process is carried through is necessary to have a estimuladora situation, that is the addition of the factors that the agencies of the directions of the person stimulate who learns. Being thus, on the basis of Medel (2008), the professor must discover strategies, resources, that can awake in the pupil the interest in learning, in other words, must supply stimulatons so that the pupil if feels motivated to learn.