Creativity Thought

One of the most important points is to modify the paper of the instructor, teacher, unique professor like the knowledgeable one of the matter. Therefore the creative capacity depends, of how creative are not the people, but of the conditions that Guide they create to foment the innovating spirit of its people.Giving self-confidence to the mental preferences of the people, always transforming the form into which we thought and we tolerated, motivating and paying attention to the emotional thing with an interrelation through the communication. Relativizing the capacity and the possibility of the rules and norms. Not being against to the thoughts or reflective reasonings of the other but incorporating them, combining them and transforming, the creativity includes to reformulate ideas and to make it like an expectation not a risk, the errors must serve to us to reinitiate the reflection process, to create new hypotheses, to share the imagination, the intuition, the logic, the aesthetic sense. A rich one is needed half that stimulates the creative thought, something that seems to be essential. It is important to maintain spontaneity, to recognize the creative efforts and to reinforce the creative capacity. Barron (1969) note that " the creative process includes dialectic incessant between integration and an expansion, convergence and divergence, texis and anttesis".

In the article Creativity and Cognition: Producing Effective Novelty, Arthur J. Cropley (1999) mentions several experts who explain the creative thought resisting two strategies. First it is Guilford, that maintains that the creative thought is divergent, that is to say, that produces variability (surrounds to produce new and possible multiple answers of the information available). In contrast, the convergent thought produces singularity (only it looks for the most correct answer). Barlett, on the other hand, considers that the thought can be abierto or be closed. As well, the Gestalt philosophy, identifies the reproductive thought and the productive one.

Social Problems

It is treated to give a solution, simultaneously, to the ambient problems and the social problems. The problems that it deals with the ecology do not affect only the environment. They affect the being most complex of the nature that is the man. SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION the ambient education or, as I can say, the sustainable education is defined according to Days (1992, p 92) as a permanent process, in which the individuals and the community take conscience of the environment and acquire the knowledge, the values, the abilities, the experiences and the determination take that them apt to act individual and collectively to decide ambient problems gifts and futures. still continues the author ' ' if it characterizes for incorporating the social dimensions, economic, cultural, ecological and ethical politics, what it means that when dealing with any ambient problem, must be considered all dimenses.' ' Ahead of this problematic one I can detach here one of the main objectives in what it says respect to the sustainable education: to provide to all the society the conscience of if adopting behaviors and ambiently adequate attitudes, making possible the development of strategies that are come back toward the construction of a sustainable society, that is, establishing standards that one better quality of life provides. In accordance with Jacobi (2003): In these times where the information assumes a role each more excellent time, ciberespao, multimedia, Internet, the education for the citizenship represent the possibility to motivate and to sensetize the people to transform the diverse forms of participation into the defense of the quality of life. In this direction it fits to detach that the ambient education assumes each time plus a transforming function, in which the co-responsabilizao of the individuals becomes an objective essential to promote a new type of development? sustainable development (Jacobi, 2003, p.192). However we can affirm that the ambient education is a condition necessary to modify the degradation state which the planet is submitted.

The Educatpr

The capacity of intervention in the community with estratgiasque motivates the participation. – capacity to take decisions and to decide conflicts mediandoas necessities of the users and the institucional interests; c) capacity to work in team – capacity to detrabalhar in team to interdisciplinar, capacity of update and formaopermanente, capacity of incorporation of new applicable technologies aotrabalho educative; d) capacity of continuous formation – capacity to deidentificar the proper ones formative necessities, capacity to learn with practical aprpria and the experiences of excessively, capacity to search recursosformativos; e) capacity to manage resources more – capacity paraanlise and adjusted use of the available resources. However, Let us remember that the professional exercise of the sebaseia social educator in the orientation, the improvement, the enrichment and the paraos contributions educative processes of excessively, wants to say, basically its atividadeprofissional rests in its interactions with the users and users of the services, aspects that not only require the emtodos knowledge of techniques, resources, as well as, and mainly, the capacity of empatia, listening eresposta in its professional relation. (ROMANS; PETRUS; TRILLA, 2003, P. 128) In the educative process the educator beyond the knowledge eaptides, needs to have positive attitudes while educator and in the suasrelaes with the users, therefore this facilitates to the interactions proposals in such a way porsua team how much for the users, making possible a good relationship with colleagues, institutions and users in respectful way, collaborating whenever possvelnas activities, in intent creative way and to the unexpected ones that to possamocorrer. To also have sensitivity when analyzing the social causes and consequences dosproblemas, keeping always the respect to the user. It is necessary to have conscience of its capacities to ereconhecer its limitations as human being, better to deal with the situaesdifceis in the daily one of the practical better professional and to take care of to the white public.

Brazilian Culture

The LEAGUE OF the NATIONAL DEFENSE, is a Brazilian civic-cultural association, established in 7 of September of 1916, for the poet Olavo Bilac in the city of Rio De Janeiro, considered of public utility for Decree n 67,576, of 1970, with proper corporate entity, administrative autonomy, technique and financier, indetermined duration and jurisdiction in all the Domestic territory, with headquarters and forum in the Federal Capital, Brasilia, representations and directions in the States. It has as main purpose to strengthen, in the national public opinion, one raised feeling of love for the native land, to defend the idea of the integrity and territorial sovereignty and the national integration; to promote civic the moral formation, educaciona, cidadl and of the person human being in all its dimensions; to sanction the art and the Brazilian culture and the historical and national values; to stimulate the participation of estudantil youth in Campaigns, Competitions, Halls, Action and other Events and Celebrations of civic character patriotic, in special on dates and national historical countenances exaltando the education and culture, and the rich universe of the proper Brazilian identity.