Finally, the Evaluation, moment of being able to review themselves in the previous stages and to evaluate ' ' the symbolic dimension of meaning of the totality of the experience vivida' ' (P. 44). The stages lived during the workshops make possible that the involved ones can, each one in its time and rhythm, to go taking conscience of its process. It is interesting to inside observe the movement of growth of the group, therefore, when giving itself account of what I obtain happens and of its entorno, can, then, ressignificar and transform. For one better development and understanding of the internal processes of the participants, the workshops had been divided in sub-groups, in each one of them subjects had been lived deeply. We initiate with ' ' Presentation pessoal' ' , where the History of the name was worked, and the personal Trajectory. We use diverse materials as chalk of wax, pencil of color, colored glue, old bristol board, magazines and glue.
In this activity, they had been able, then, to enter in contact I obtain exactly, revisiting some stages of the life, mainly histories of infancy: ' ' I felt a true child to me in the infancy garden, wanted to catch tudo' '. The participants had also perceived the differences in each carried through work: ' ' each one is different of the other. Incrve! igual' does not have none; '. As Rhyne, (2000, p.40): ' ' Each line that you trace is solely its; the ones that I draw are individually mine; each one of us this involved in an event pessoal' '. During the first meeting, I observed the great difficulty, on the part of the group, to work with the disponibilizados resources, unreliability and lack of ability in dealing with materials. They seemed not if to feel very to the will ahead of presented material e, initially, they chose the resources simplest and they asked for excuses for making a mistake, not knowing to write right or the simple fact of if moving.